Have you lost your motivation to write?
Do you feel like the last thing you want to do is open Google Docs and start typing?
Has the dreaded thought of “writing just isn’t for me” crossed your mind?
I’ll have to admit something to you…
All of these happened to me today at once.
You see,
The fourth semester started today and I got back to university again.
(Just like last semester, this one will probably be as filled with ideas as the previous one)
And I noticed something:
I didn’t have motivation to sit down and write! For the first time in almost a year now, somehow my motivation eluded me. I had all sorts of excuses:?
Yada yada yada.
Some dumb stuff.
Wanna know what I did with these thoughts?
You can choose between two answers:
If you chose the last option, thank you for your trust.
You reading this post can guess that this is what happened.
I think that all of us face these demons from time to time. Our response to these temptations separates those who’re willing to do the work to achieve their goals and those who would rather sit back and watch the world fall apart around them because it’s more comfortable.?
As far as my newsletter is concerned?
It’ll go trucking along just fine with daily insights until by some crazy accident I lose my hands and can’t type any longer.
I’m not that kind of guy to blow things up and not follow through with my actions.
I’m a man of integrity.
And if you’re an honest copywriter, you should have integrity as well.
Regardless if you’re a man or a woman.
So if you haven’t written today, go ahead and do it!?
After the first letter it will be easy.?
Putting your fingers onto your keyboards acts like whacking moles, just with whacking the demons that might steer you from realizing your copywriting goals.
Speaking about copywriting goals, there are other factors that might steer you away from completing them such as mistakes you can make.
If you wanna learn about these, visit my site at https://theprybar.com