Have You Lost Friends Because of Your Views on Israel and Palestine?
Moment Magazine
Moment is a fiercely independent magazine that provides North American Jews with award-winning, in-depth reporting.
No Israeli Left Behind
Since its inception in 1948, Israel has released thousands of enemy combatants in exchange for soldiers and civilians captured by enemy armies or by terrorists. But Israel’s recent agreement with Hamas on the multistage exchange of October 7 hostages for Palestinian prisoners has brought to a roaring boil the public debate on the proper price of pidyon shvuyeem. That is, the redeeming of captives. It’s a Jewish commandment bolstered by the Zionist ethic that no Israeli, whether in uniform or not, can be left behind. Ori Nir provides much needed historical context on this debate in a new piece for Moment.
The Allure and Danger of the Strongman
Hungarian author and journalist Kati Marton has a unique perspective on strongmen, having spent years covering Viktor Orban’s growing hold on her native Hungary. In a conversation with Moment Deputy Editor Jennifer Bardi, she discusses both the allure and danger of strongmen rulers, from those of history to the ones making up the current world order. Noting that Trump seems to be following the strongmann playbook, she warns "There are many differences between the U.S. and Hungary, Hungary being a country with minimal experience of democracy. But our democracy, as we speak, is being tested. And we are being tested."
Culture: It’s Time to Talk About Kanye West’s Antisemitism Again
Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, invited a firestorm of controversy for antisemitic tirades in 2022. After xa heavy news cycle and apologies, the rapper is back at it, this time declaring himself “a Nazi” and “Adolf Yitler” on X. Moment’s Jordan Poltorak takes a closer look.
Inside Moment–A Survey of the Jewish Community
The Jewish community stands at a crossroads. Help us understand this unprecedented moment in history by taking our survey!
Question of the Week: Have You Lost Friends Because of Your Views on Israel and Palestine?
The Israel-Hamas war has been divisive both within the Jewish community and in American political discourse at large. Has it impacted your personal relationships?