Have You Let Things Slip the Past Couple of Weeks?

Have You Let Things Slip the Past Couple of Weeks?

In all honesty - I have.

Although if I’m being honest I don’t really regret it.

The past couple of weeks have been full on with not just gyms opening up but with outdoor socialising and beer gardens opening up too.

It’s felt like it’s gone from 0-100 with being locked in for months to all of a sudden working properly again as well as managing a busy social schedule.

During lockdown it gave me a lot of time to put some good habits into place that I had always previously struggled with.

I always knew going back it was always going to be a challenge keeping these habits up and to be honest the past couple of weeks I’ve cut myself a big bit of slack as I’ve just been enjoying being out and about again and trying not to stress too much about work.

BUT, having said that, I spent some time reflecting on the train back to London yesterday and decided that it was time to get back into the swing of things.

I’ve never struggled with this on the exercise front, but other habits like reading and content and are always the first things to go when things get busy.

The reason I’m telling you all this is because you may have been really consistent with your health and training during lockdown when you had a lot more time and less distractions but for the past couple of weeks you may have struggled to keep this up.

What you need to know is that this is absolutely fine and there’s no need to beat yourself up about it.

There’s only so much we can balance on our plate at one time, and naturally when we tend to focus a bit more on the social side of things the exercise and diet usually take a bit of a hit.

What you need to realise is 2-3 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things and this hasn’t ‘undone’ all the hard work you’ve put in since the start of the year.

Don’t let these weeks turn into months, accept them for what they are. Be grateful that you’ve been able to go out and enjoy yourself after 3months of being locked in and try bring some of those good habits you created during lockdown back into practise.

I have 0 regrets over how I’ve gone about the past few weeks, but now I’m ready to put my foot back down and put some work in again.

Who else feels they’ve taken their foot off the gas recently? Comment below. 


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