Have you had Dermaplaning yet
Trish Hammond
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As we age we start to grow more and more little fine (and some not so fine!!) hairs on our face – and other random places. In addition, we develop more pigmentation on our skin that gets harder and harder to hide. There are several solutions on the market but one of them is easier and less invasive than you might think. If you haven’t had Dermaplaning yet, you’ll want to keep reading. We chatted to Riana Janse van Rensburg, Director Dermaplane Pro Australia. Trainer and expert guru about why this treatment is becoming a staple in many women’s beauty regimes.
Dermaplaning with Dermaplane Pro uses a specialised surgical blade to get superior results
What does Dermaplaning do?
Dermaplaning is described as a form of dermabrasion that also removes fine hairs. It scrapes off dead skin cells that sit on the surface of your skin to give you a smoother finish. Riana explains it to us in more detail, “For the dermaplaning treatment we use a special designed blade to basically scrape down the epidermis. We go through the layers – the superficial treatment, a deeper treatment, and then the intense treatment. So physically, you can almost call it a surgical form of dermabrasion without the surgery! In the process, we’re also removing all the vellus (fine facial) hair. It’s also an absolute deep cleansing rejuvenation treatment. If you want to improve your skin texture – the more treatments you have the more you take off the epidermis, the more cell growth you get.”
Who is Dermaplaning Suitable For?
Dermaplaning is really suitable for anyone and Riana says Dermaplane Pro Therapists get good results on younger skin and older skin. “So there are good results on an elderly skin with deep seated wrinkles to help just transform the whole skin. Also, very nice to do intensive treatments after to get product penetration. So really all skins and all ages can do it, but I must say the most successful results that we have is the age group from about 25 to 55. It depends on what the client wants for her skin. I always say to the girls that I train, you can almost see it as a three phase treatment. The first phase would be to get to know the client’s skin and remove their dead layer, and then a few weeks later you do your second treatment and you go deeper. Then the third treatment is even more deep, so that you can speed up the cell growth over this time, and always remember the more you actually take off the epidermis in a given 28 days … you get ahead of the skin’s natural exfoliation method. You actually intensify and stimulate a lot of collagen, and collagen growth in the skin.”
Dermaplane Pro results
Does Dermaplaning Hurt?
Riana says a Dermaplane Pro treatment has no pain and no downtime. “That’s right, no pain, no down time. Of course, when the clinic wants to offer it we make sure that we train the practitioners. They also need to be qualified. The lowest qualification would be a diploma in beauty. We don’t Dermaplane Pro Therapists to feel they can go and shop online and buy a tool and do it at home because Dermaplane Pro uses a specialised blade designed for dermaplaning. A warning for patients – don’t fall for cheap treatments. Cheap imitations on the market are really used as a shaving tool Dermaplane Pro is a medically patent and copyright blade. So there’s a big difference for the consumer just to be alert.”
Dermaplaning is a WOW treatment
Anyone who’s had dermaplaning tends to go back for second, third and regular treatments. Riana says, “I love it because when you do a client the first time it is absolutely a, “Wow” result. You take off all that embedded … embedded oil, dead skin from the surface. The client will say her skin feels absolutely squeaky clean. That is, I think that the advantage of it is that it’s such a simple thing but with such a “wow” result. That clients get completely absorbed and stuck on it, because nothing else they do gives them this super clean feeling.”
If you’d like to find out more about Dermaplane Pro check out their website.