Have You Got Your Induction Plan In Place For Your New Recruiters?

Have You Got Your Induction Plan In Place For Your New Recruiters?

In a recent article I talked about the challenge of managing difficult recruiters.

The truth is, it’s never simple, however there are things that you can put in place that will make your life so much easier and keep you the right side of HR.

Its process and in this case it is having an induction training process that highlights the boundaries around what is and isn’t OK in your organisation.

I have talked about the subject of using structure before in the context of swipe files and this takes it one step further.

The power of process was brought swiftly home to me over the last year.

 I became a parent for the first time at the end of 2014. To say it has changed my life is a slight understatement.

As Calum swiftly approaches the ‘terrible two’s ‘, I am very grateful that we have got a number of rituals and boundaries in place that thankfully make our life even more happy and joyful.

Calum entered our family unit and we wanted it to work and get it ‘right’, and give flexibility for his personality to grow; as best anyone can when it comes to raising a child. Consequently we took action.

It’s a great metaphor for growing your own recruitment family to enable them to have the foundational steps in place so that they can excel and develop.

With the upside for you of a productive high performing recruiter who is one of many happy employees in your company.

Induction Training is imperative for anyone that joins your organisation no matter how experienced they are.

Good training like this helps retention of great trainees so that they feel at home fast and importantly; become productive.

This style of induction training/process is more than just the skills around being a great recruitment consultant. 

It’s about the basics that your current employees all take for granted:

  • What are the working hours?
  • Where to get lunch?
  • What is the Social Media policy?
  • How do you book holidays?
  • What about Drs appointments?
  • What about sickness notification?
  • What about smoking at work?
  • What is the real dress code?

And that is just the nuts and bolts we then come onto understanding the big stuff.

  • Your organisation’s mission
  • Its vision and goals
  • Values
  • Diversity policy
  • Acceptable behaviour
  • Team values
  • Team working
  • H and S


Then of course the skill set for the role and what’s expected of them. What is the development plan and expectation in the first week, month, quarter and 6 months?

How many reviews will take place and what are the bench marks that signal good bad or poor performance?

The Huge Benefit of All This

It might sound like a lot of work and it is. However it will pay you for years to come. Having everything documented in this way motivates, inspires and protects everyone concerned.

Surprisingly those billing managers and directors that have this in place and when its proactively used have less performance challenges; logical really.

 Ready to implement yours?

High performing consultants are the lifeblood of any successful recruitment organisation.

The challenge starts when your recruiters underperform. There is a solution and I cover it in-depth in my latest ebook; How to Convert Your under Performers to Consistent Billers in 14 Days or less. You can download it here.


Warm regards


About Nicky Coffin

Nicky Coffin is the CEO of Centredexcellence a training and development organisation that specialise in helping Recruitment Business Owners increase results by 50-250%.

As a successful Recruitment Director she shares her strategies that created a strong profitable company. You can watch her complimentary FREE Webinar on the keys to get your team to bill multiple six figures. By clicking the sign up link here. Sign up link


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