Have You Given Up on Your Dreams?

Have You Given Up on Your Dreams?

Things Are Not Always as They Seem.

Is this your life?

From the outside looking in we were living a life that most people only dreamed of. We owned two successful businesses and had a big beautiful home on the water. We also had matching corvettes and a 50-foot yacht. I shopped ‘til I dropped, traveled often, and I didn’t have a worry in the world.

I had a beautiful life, and it was absolutely amazing to experience this fairytale-like ending. But even then, none of these material things brought me real joy. The joy of living comes from within. Don’t get me wrong…

I loved our life, but I felt like something much deeper was missing. That something was me. Yes, me. I felt like I lost myself inside of this great big old world in which I existed. I longed for meaning, passion, purpose, and fulfillment.

I was cautious for many years. I always took the logical approach and tiptoed through life while playing it small. I worked in our family business for over twenty years, and even though the business steadily grew and my life advanced beautifully, my very own dreams were stalled.

The truth is I was trading my life for someone else’s dream. I was fading away, and all I wanted to do was leap forward with fullness and excitement. I craved to be in an atmosphere in harmony with my creative abilities.

I started to evaluate my entire life as I approached my late forties. I thought I had built a wall of protection around myself since I was a child, but it really turned out to be a wall of separation. This wall of separation kept me from being and expressing my authentic self. It kept me from pursuing my dreams and it also kept me from letting anyone else in.

By holding onto painful and hurtful experiences throughout my life I missed out on the opportunity to live in the moment. Living this way only disconnected me from love, compassion, and understanding, the very energies I needed to shift my life.

I wanted to create a life that I was truly proud of living. That meant creating a life I loved on the inside, not just one that looked great on the outside.

Thankfully I was introduced to my dear friend and mentor. As he began to speak, I sat in the audience completely captivated by his words. Everything he said resonated with me on a cellular level.

Some of the highlights included: “let go and let God, lead with love, remain in a good vibration, serve others, be a good little giver, and hit send.”

Yes! Hit send and move in the direction of life that makes you happiest.

That’s exactly what I was striving for, but I was sick to my stomach when I realized I had spent years pursuing that version of myself, only to find out I was doing it half-assed.

The truth was staring me right in the face. I was afraid to remove the wall. Through inner reflection, I began to know myself at the core. In doing so, I absolutely knew that I was living a life that no longer resonated with my inner-being. I also knew that if I wanted to pursue my dreams, ignite my potential, and live a life I loved, I had to embrace change.

My ego didn’t want anyone to see my weaknesses or my vulnerability, and as crazy as this sounds I didn’t even know who I was without my wall of protection. But it was time to remove it all.

I have spent the latter years of my life removing, brick by brick, in the form of shedding ego, clearing away old conditioned beliefs, and shifting lifelong paradigms. I can honestly say I feel as If I have been searching for myself forever, only now seeing a clear reflection. Having a better understanding of who I am enables me to have a better understanding of others.

I am so grateful I had the courage to embark on a journey to transform my life.

Little by little I broke through an invisible wall that separated me from the outside world. It isn’t what I did in the progression of my growth that matters, it is who I became.

Today I am a more expansive being living a life that gives me life. A beautiful illuminated path was formed once I stepped into my power. There is meaning, fulfillment, acceptance, purpose, passion, and love always present, all of which I desired most in life.

What it really boils down to is the betterment of ourselves. Transformation is the essence of spirituality. Trust in the power that is beckoning you to be, do, have, and give more.

Be faithful to the most integral part of who you are. There is a beautiful life waiting to unfold for you. Nurture the part of you that wants to move forward. The entire world is waiting for your light. Don’t be afraid to let it shine. By Wendy Ditta

Have you Given Up On your Dreams?

Doubt has a way of creeping into our dreams. We paint picturesque scenes in our minds — scenes in which we are living our perfect lives, but the borders are blurred. Although we can visualize our goals, we can’t always believe in our ability to achieve them; and so, we give up.

Now, picture what would happen if you learned to silence these hesitations–if you learned to ignore the negativity and charge ahead. Here’s a hint: you’d open the door to new milestones, and you’d start to live a life that looks forward instead of back.

Remember Your Drive

Life is full of interruptions. Time races by and we focus on the today's, making excuses and forgetting the goals we saved for our invisible tomorrows. Put an end to this cycle by writing down what it is that you truly want out of life. Don’t be afraid to dream big–it may take you longer to reach your destination, but time is already moving; why not move along with it?

By remembering what it is that you are working towards, you’ll find the strength to push that boulder up the hill. With enough determination, you dreams will soon feel not only possible, but also inevitable.

Improving Your Quality of Life

When you acknowledge your ambitions and resolve to never give up, the world appears brighter. With a reason to get out of bed each morning, dreamers are more energized, more able to work quickly, and more likely to live inspired lives. In fighting for something bigger than the “right now,” daily roadblocks shrink down to a manageable size.

You’ll have the perspective and the inspiration to conquer challenges, and fear will take a backseat role in your life.

If Not You, Then Who?

Your dreams are yours and yours alone; no one will chase them for you. By placing your aspirations on hold, or by convincing yourself that you are not capable, you’re giving up a piece of who you are.

Don’t let your hopes fade away; refuse to succumb to regret. It’s never too late to start, but you must start–success might be closer than you think.

Think of What They’ll Say

Is someone telling you it’s impossible? This is your life and your goal; the only person who can take it away from you is you. There will always be people who try to discourage you from following this journey; instead of believing in them, believe in yourself. Take their negativity, use it as fuel, and resolve to prove the naysayers wrong.

Finding the Pieces

Sometimes our dreams are quietly hidden, while other times they grow so loud that we can no longer afford to silence them. No matter where your hopes are buried, make today the day you take them out of fantasy. Disassemble the puzzle, look at the individual pieces, and see the path. If reaching your goals feels impossible, this is only because you’re looking at the destination without following a map.

You know what you want. Look at what you are doing right now and ask yourself: are you working towards the goal?

8 Reasons Why Most People Give up on Their Dreams

1) They Lose the Belief of it Being Possible

It’s a pretty obvious reason, right? At the point of which you start something, you’ll have a big belief that what you’re trying to do is easily possible. However, many people start to lose this belief after a few months because they haven’t had any real promising results thus far.

Patience is a big key to success in any given area, and it’s important that you do everything in your power to stay motivated and keep that level of belief exactly where it was at the point of setting out on your venture.

 2) They Get Bored of the Repetitiveness

It’s no secret to people; to get what you want in life you’ll need to rinse and repeat everything that you’re doing on a daily basis in order to become successful.

It’s like they say, if you hit an oak tree with an axe a thousand times, in a thousand different places, then nothing will happen.

But if you hit that oak tree a thousand times in the same spot, you will successfully bring it down. Many people simply get bored of repeating the mundane tasks on one venture, and just start a new one that gives them some fresh excitement.

I know because this is something I’ve done before. Partly because I wasn’t getting anywhere quickly, but also because I got bored of doing the same thing over and over.

3) They Don’t See Results Quickly Enough

Every point in this list is a viable reason as to why most people give up, but this one is probably the biggest reason as to why people decide they’ve had enough and are ready to throw in the towel.

As I briefly mentioned above, everything takes time, and if you’re going to succeed at something then you need to be in it for the long haul, and not just as a quick desperation for success.

See one thing through until the end, instead of seeing multiple things through for just a month at a time.

 “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

 4) They Listen to Others Advice

Those that are easily persuaded by the advice that others give them, can be susceptible to dropping everything they’re trying to achieve, just because they believe the information that others tell them.

It’s often the case that those who do give up on their dreams because of this, end up spotting someone else later down the line making their idea become a reality.

People may not be able to grasp what you’re setting out to do, and therefore can quite easily give you their negative opinion on the topic at hand. So, if you’re willing to listen to them and give up at the point of them telling you to do so, then there’s no doubt you won’t succeed with it.

Which could potentially leave with you with a lot of regret a short time later when you see another person making it possible.

Another solid reason as to why most people give up on their dreams.

 5) They Find it Too Difficult

First off, it’s supposed to be difficult. If it wasn’t difficult then everybody would be doing it, and as a result you wouldn’t be that bothered about it in the first place.

Nobody becomes successful without having any obstacles to overcome or any barriers to climb. So, if you’re finding it too difficult, continue to challenge and push yourself in order to grow and learn. No one starts with complete knowledge. You’ll get there eventually.

6) They Become Distracted by Other Aspects of Their Life

A dream or end goal requires a lot of attention, consistently. People may not have any other pressing life issues or problems when they first begin working towards their dreams, but that doesn’t mean that other problems won’t arise within their life during the process.

The list of possible distractions in this case is incredibly long. Some of them may be small issues that shouldn’t really stop you but have done. And others may be issues that you just can’t avoid and have to pay attention to.

For example: If the fact that a new program is now being broadcast on T.V, is distracting you then you really have no excuses.

On the other hand, if you’re currently struggling to make ends meet and need to spend more time on actually finding a job that can pay all your bills and keep you out of debt, then that’s understandable.

7) They Fear What’s Involved

There are always going to be hurdles that you’re not quite ready to jump over. The difference is that the people who face those hurdles even with a slight fear inside them, can keep progressing onward.

Individuals can quite easily decide to give up, because they’ve seen the hurdles and are just afraid of jumping them. Be prepared to take action on things before you actually feel ready to do so.

Otherwise that extra time you’ve waited could be the difference between winning and losing.

That’s an important thing to remember.

 8) They Don’t Have the Discipline to Work Hard Enough

It takes real discipline to get results from your goals, and some people just don’t have the discipline that’s needed in order to get there.

Therefore, from their lack of discipline, it’s pretty easy for them to be deterred from wanting to work towards their dreams anymore. This is probably the biggest reason as to why most people give up.

 Summing up: Here are the 8 reasons why people don't adopt Plan "B", work with us and build their dreams:

1.  They lose the belief of it being possible

2.  They get bored of the repetitiveness

3.  They don’t see results quickly enough

4.  They listen to others advice

5.  They find it too difficult

6.  They become distracted by other aspects of their life

7.  They fear what’s involved

8.  They don’t have the discipline to work hard enough

Here’s something interesting about you:

Based on our automation system, I can tell you’ve read some of my prosperity, business building and training articles.

I also know you were at least interested in getting all your dreams fulfilled. But you didn’t pull the trigger. And it’s either my fault (wouldn’t be the first time) ...or you’ve given up on overcoming your mental and emotional obstacles so you can finally achieve success in life.

If you’re no longer interested in achieving success, that’s OK. But I don’t think that’s the case ...otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this message.

...And That Means This Is Probably My Fault. It seems like I missed the mark with all of those messages you’ve read on my LinkedIn profile.

·     Maybe you weren’t sure if our system could help you.

·     Maybe you needed to hear something different.

So, I’d like to try a real quick exercise with you that can help you make this decision a whole lot easier... I want you to take a second and imagine what your life could look like if you achieved all of your goals.

We want you to imagine how you would feel about yourself... and think about what you would do each day with your “new life” and “new powers.”

We want you to think about what you could accomplish if you removed every single mental and emotional obstacle that holds you back, keeps you stuck in the same patterns, and stops you from moving forward toward achieving the kind of success you KNOW you deserve.

Next, we want you to think about this…

That future that you imagined is probably NEVER going to happen. All of those incredible visions and feelings you imagined will probably NEVER come true. And the reason WHY is because if you’re anything like most people, you’ll stop reading this message and go on with your life… and never change a thing.

·     You’ll continue to be stuck in the same patterns.

·     You’ll continue to self-sabotage.

·     You’ll continue to live in fear and your self-image and self-confidence will stay exactly where they are right now.

I’m not saying this to scare you or anything like that. But after coaching thousands of people we’ve seen it time and time again - the people who refuse to change NEVER get what they want.

Now, listen… we don’t want you to have to suffer this fate.

We WANT to Help You Create The Kind Of Dream Lifestyle You've Always Wanted… But if that’s going to happen, you need to realize a few things:

1.   You’ll never get what you want in your life until you decide to make a change.

2.   Your past choices have gotten you to where you are today. So, if you want to get somewhere different - to a level of success you’ve never gotten to before - you HAVE to change and upgrade your choices.

3.   The world’s most successful entrepreneurs, athletes, high performers, astronauts, special agents, soldiers, artists and authors ALL have taken conscious steps to change their choices… so they can perform at the highest level in their fields.

4.   YOU CAN achieve your all dreams and goals if you take action and finally change your choices so it stops working against you and STARTS working FOR you.

Our Programs and Systems gives you access to the same techniques and methodologies that successful entrepreneurs, athletes, high performers, astronauts, special agents, soldiers, artists use to upgrade their choices and operate a the highest levels possible.

These are the tools that will make it possible for YOU to do the same - the same way so many high performers across all fields have - so you can take your choices, mindset and skills to the highest level.

·     Imagine your negative choices and beliefs, GONE! Wiped clean from your situation.

·     Imagine living life full of positive, empowering choices, thoughts and emotions.

·     Just imagine how much better every aspect of your life could be.

·     That is the same kind of power that our programs and systems give you

So, let’s do this:

Join us today and If you’re not absolutely thrilled with the incredible changes that start happening in your life, just tell us and we’ll give you back every single penny. No questions asked, no hassles.

Here’s What to Do Next

Contact us and set an appointment. We’ll cover all the details with you and show you a plan to reach all your dreams and goals.

And it’s our “last ditch effort” to reach out, take you by the hand, and invite you to try our programs and systems that has changed the lives of so many people.

So, if you don’t want to miss out on this, enroll right away.

Wishing you prosperity and abundance,

Professor Michael Kissinger 

Profit Builders Inc.

Phone 415-678-9965 

Phone 650-992-3939 

Email: [email protected]  

LinkedIn: URL: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pub/michael-kissinger/4/b21/a66 

6000 Mission Street, Daly City, California 94014

PS. Many people know we solve problems if you want to make six figures or more, create a dream lifestyle or get one of the fastest ways to go from where you are right now to more money, travel, and living the lifestyle your dreams of. You don’t need to be an “expert” with “credentials” to do it. 

Our mission is to inspire others to live their dreams and be the person who says; "Because of you, we never gave up and reached our dreams." 

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room:

? What is it you want in your life that you don't have but truly want.

? Are you happy with the amount of money you make? Do you wish you could make more?” 

? Do you know what you want to accomplish but just aren’t quite sure how to make it happen?

If this is you, we're looking for serious people who are looking to make their dreams and goals a reality! We help people change their life. We build people and build leaders. For example, working with us will make it easier for you to take more time off work. Make more money. Make it easier to pay your bills. Pay for college. Provide the extra car for your spouse. Bring wife home. Etc. 

As many of us know you'll: Save $2,700 annually on your everyday products. Save $5,000-$6,000 in annual medical expenses not covered by insurance. Earn from $300, $500, to $5,000+ monthly or up to $550,000+ annually. Save from $3,000 to $9,000+ on your taxes. Reduce your chances of dying from 1 of 8 deadly diseases.

If you are not happy with your current results and want more, join now. Create a dream lifestyle in our trillion industry. Join our billion global company and worldwide educational team. 

You’ll live an extraordinary life. Help as many people as possible. Make a positive impact in the world and have fun every day. The results will be awesome (More Fun, More Income-Revenue, More Experiences.) Just imagine what you will accomplish.

Get started now. 

Get a 100%-180 day NO BS guarantee

Get FREE coaching sessions. Call 415-678-9965

PPS. Listen to this When You Are About To Give Up - 1 Hour Long (very powerful)

SPEAKERS IN ORDER: Tom Bilyeu, Joe Rogan, Ray Lewis, Tyrese Gibson, Will Smith, Les Brown, Jentezen Franklin, Eric Thomas, Tim Grove, Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, Steven Bartlett, Jarret Adams, Oprah Winfrey, Wayne Dyer, Arvin Lal, Joe Stumpf, Tom O'Bedlam, (No Leaders Please by Charles Bukowski) John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Kash Shaikh, Jim Cathcart, Tai Lopez, Will Smith, Usain Bolt, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Terrell Owens, Wesley Chapman, Wyclef Jean, Billionaire P.A. Tyler, Perry Mel Robbins, Michael Strahan, Jim Carrey, Bob Proctor, Randy Gage, Darren Hardy,

PPS. Listen to this: When You are About to Give Up Video II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Km0uAOsN8E


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