Have You Ever Wondered Why Not One Follower of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam is Mentioned In the Kingdom of Heaven in the Hebrew OT or Greek NT?

Have You Ever Wondered Why Not One Follower of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam is Mentioned In the Kingdom of Heaven in the Hebrew OT or Greek NT?

Could it be because none of these religions exist in original Hebrew OT or Greek NT scriptures?

Could it be because their doctrines had not been fabricated yet?

Could it be because neither the Lord of the OT or NT established these religions?

Could it be because neither the Lord of the OT or NT named these religions?

Could it be because neither the Lord of the OT or NT taught their doctrines?

Could it be because none of God's chosen in the OT or NT kept these religions?

Could it be because neither the Lord of the OT or NT blessed the followers of these religions?

Could it be because neither the Lord of the OT or NT formed a covenant with followers of these religions?

Could it be because neither the Lord of the OT or NT swore an oath with followers of these religions?

Could it be because neither the Lord of the OT or NT made promises to followers of these religions?

Could it be because followers of these religions have turned right & turned left from God's eternal Word which He prohibits?

Could it be because followers of these religions have added to & taken from God's eternal Word which He prohibits?

Could it be because God never proclaimed anyone was saved by grace, nor replaced His Torah Law with the Talmud or Koran?

Could it be because God curses all who reject His eternal Word?

Could it be because both the Lord of the OT & NT hate religions (traditions of men)?

It's for all the above reasons and the most devastating one of all that is disclosed in FINAL JUDGMENT that followers of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and every world religion are not mentioned in Heaven - they won't be there. It's applying common sense, connecting the dots, common sense, critical reasoning, logic, law of parsimony, Occam's razor, and most importantly, God's eternal and unchanging Word in the OT & NT

The wretched and worsening state the world is in and prophecy in the OT & NT confirms it 100%. This explains why the Lord proclaimed the whole world would be deceived in the End Times and destroyed as in the days of Noah. For the awakened few, the Apocalypse is well underway. Time is short.

If you truly love your family, friends, and God, find out What His True Word of Eternal Life is, Who His True Chosen Few Are, Why They Alone Pass His Judgment & How You Can Join Them Today.


eBook : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D41RF453

Paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DSHZXYYJ

Hardcover Collector's Edition : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DSJ668FG


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