Have you ever wondered why you can tell so much about a person just by looking at them?

Have you ever wondered why you can tell so much about a person just by looking at them?

The way we present ourselves to the world – from the way we dress to the way we shape our eyebrows – can speak volumes about our personalities before we ever even open our mouths.

So it should come as no surprise that the color lipstick a person chooses  or the shape of their brows can reveal a lot about them. While many  make a conscious decision to put on makeup, it is often the subconscious reason behind the  choice that can be most revealing.

And in case you’ve ever wanted to change the way you are being perceived by others, your eyebrow shape and your shade of lipstick may just be an easy place to start.

What color lipstick do you wear? Do you shape your brows? What does that reveal about your personality? Let us know in the comments.


