Have you ever faced an unexpected challenge?
Lorraine Lane
Business Coach for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs | Small Business Strategist | Networking Expert
Have you ever faced an unexpected challenge??
Did the challenge make you wonder if you were doing the right things??
Did you almost throw in the towel???
That wondering hit close to home last week. The towel-throwing thing was a thought for a few minutes.
The challenges seemed daunting and overwhelming… sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to change our own minds!??
And so, we did the pivot dance and have rescheduled the E-X-P-A-N-D Your Vision event from February 11th & 12th to February 25th. Your ticket is valid for the new date!
Registration: 8:00 am
Event begins: 8:30 am
Lunch will be catered.??
End:? 3:00 pm
AND we’re going to be in-person and virtual!? And there’s more…for those who choose to attend.
In person RSVP:?
Virtual RSVP: