Have you ever dreamt of free Oracle database ?
Oracle livesql available for free

Have you ever dreamt of free Oracle database ?

Now your dream became true with Oracle's livesql. There is more - database and access tools are available from within your web browser! Under https://livesql.oracle.com you can find the latest Oracle database (19.5 at the moment). Just sign in with your Oracle account. If you do not have one create it. It is quick and easy. Once you signed in you get:

Schema browser

Several read-only schemas like: Academic (AD), Analytic Views (AV), Customer Orders (CO), DinoDate Demo (DD), EMP and DEPT (SCOTT), Human Resources (HR), Olympic Data (OLYM), Order Entry (OE), Sales History (SH), World Data (WORLD). With 'Schema' browser you can check what objects particular schema consists of. In brackets is schema name, prefix you need to access data from

SQL Workseet

SQL Worksheet. Like in the picture on right hand side. So you can start experimenting with your queries without bothering about test data or schema - Oracle put it there for you. Once you write your SQL statement you can run it by pressing 'Run' button on the screen or 'Alt+ENTER' on your keyboard. Result will show just below SQL.

Create Database Object wizard

'My Schema' directs you to the tool with which you can both view and modify your own schema. You can add database objects (e.g. tables, views indexes) with easy to use wizard or upload script.

Code Library

In case you need a tutorial which walks you through some interesting topic like: 'Introduction to SQL', 'PL/SQL Anonymous Block' or 'Creating Tables' you can find it in 'Code Library' menu. There are also plenty of other useful SQL scripts like 'Hello World', 'Simple Explain Plan' or 'Top N Query'. All for free. Skills you perfect with them can be used with MySQL or PostgreSQL also.

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With 'Quick SQL' you can create a script which will create a set of SQL statements e.g. to create database objects and insert sample data. Statements can be copied directly to the SQL Worksheet and run there.

My Sessions

'My Session' menu shows SQL statements you run during this session or previous, historical sessions. You can also view utilization - usage statistics, limits and resource consumption.

There is a possibility to create your own scripts and tutorials and save it in the code library. They will be accessible in 'My Tutorials' and 'My Scripts' menus. Currently they will not be listed publicly but still can be accessible with generated URL for everyone, like my tutorial for CRUD beginners in Polish: [PL] CRUD - pocz?tki. Give it a try and do not hesitate to comment. Enjoy :-)

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