Have you enrolled in YouNiversity ? II random scribbles
Have you enrolled in YouNiversity ? II random scribbles
It was subtle dark bright of a rainy morning.
I had just completed my walk.
And i sat down for my short meditation on a "meditating bench".
Sometimes i feel that all the so called "inanimate" matter around us,
are actually meditating and are unperturbed the way we get ruffled.
I looked up at the sky.
Somehow "looking at the sky" is such a breather.
A wonderment of the infinite space above us.
As my gaze moved smoothly,
i saw a particular familiar building.
I had seen this building many many many times.
But today, it was appearing very differently.
I couldn't believe that the building is so near.
My mind knew that there are approx 40-50 small buildings in between,
there was a highway, and then there were a few roads...
And yet, the building appeared so near.
This experience of feeling that things are nearer than they are,
or feeling them farther than they are,
has been a common experience in my life across various life stages.
I have had somewhat similar experience in traffic.
Many a times when stuck in a traffic jam,
my intuition says that the jam is much much longer.
Sometimes when i am smooth-sailing and feeling that
i shall reach early, i end up reaching late.
These different experiences and expectations in traffic,
where the actual things turn out to be different than the intuition or reflection,
are another common experience with me.
And then there are times when the expectations meet actuals as well.
These experiences and a reflection on them,
have humbled me over the years about,
one's ability to fathom the speed, scale, input, flow, and outcomes.
Over the years, various researchers have looked,
at the role of heuristics and biases in human analysis and judgements.
There are schools of thoughts.
Daniel Kahneman (Nobel Prize 2002), Tversky, etc on the side of the limitations and/or fallacies of human judgements on one side.
Gerd Gigerenger (German Psychologist), etc on the side of the daily tiny usefulnesses of our heuristics.
In my experience and feltness,
we avail of all kinds of inputs coming in from,
imagination, intuition, emotion, reflection, memory, motivations, social signalling, etc.
Over the years,
by practicing to "actively noticing the new" (ala Ellen Langer (Psychology, Harvard)),
or "seeing the unobvious within the obvious" (Swami Sukhobodhananda; Chade Meng Tan (ex Jolly Good Fellow @ Google)),
by journaling / doodling / ART-iculating one's ongoing inner storms (by Roshmila Adhikary (Healer, Artist)),
being humbled by the vastness of inner infinity amidst outer infinity,
one is able to develop what Dr Barbara Oakley (Oakland University; World Famous MOOC course called "Learning How to Learn") calls "on-demand focussed or diffused attention"
developing autonomy & mastery (ala Annemie Ress, ex-Chief People Officer at Skype)
purpose/meaning (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
I am a university.
You are a university.
Have you enrolled in YouNiversity yet ?
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