Have You Eaten the P.E.? Consider Yourself Incepted by Terence McKenna
Turn your head, you may hear it coming.

Have You Eaten the P.E.? Consider Yourself Incepted by Terence McKenna

There has been much speculation about the origin of the infamous Penis Envy mushroom strain, possibly with good reason. See, you can’t always go around telling people what you’re doing, even if you believe it to be in their best interest. You have to make them want to know. Perhaps seduce them into wanting to know. Make them envious.

Have you ever, after ingesting Penis Envy, been listening to Terence McKenna and thought,”Oh, yeah, I know that. That’s right.”? Well, that’s because you’ve been incepted by the late, great, Terence McKenna. (This effect can be more prominent when listening to his voice, as opposed to reading him, but this is probably a “key” thing with oral traditions. Although, I often tend to hear someone’s writing in their voice, but I guess only after I have that pattern recognized?)

Terence often talked about how mushrooms were a technology for communication, among other things. Witness this technology in action. The Penis Envy strain is known to be a result of human cultivation- only a small percentage of this strain drops spores, which means it wouldn’t last long without intervention. They’re also really potent. So, this strain is difficult to cultivate, but can be very rewarding if you do. These qualities make them more desirable to most types that would partake of their flesh in the first place.?

Not to mention the allure of the mystique…how much time and energy have people spent trying to figure out who or what Satoshi Nakamoto is/was/will be? Transmission of ancestral knowledge. Gotta love Tricksters.

And why are they mutants? Well, that’s a by-product of Terence communicating. Sans spoken language (as most people understand it). Wonder what he used to deploy this technology? Perhaps the line of inquiry shapes the answer. Perhaps it’s said to run deeper than water? Maybe he’ll inform you.

Don’t think you consented to this mind-meld? Yeah, ya did. Just as consensual sex carries with it consent to accessing someone’s Akashic Records, or however you want to paint that picture of swapping libraries with someone (DNA-don’t get all woo-woo); when you knowingly ingested the PE, you consented to swapping digits. Especially since Terence’s disclaimers are all over the place. Digest that for a while.?

Welcome to Hive Mind.?

Bee Positive.


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