Have You Done Enough?
Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough??Not giving enough??Attending church enough? Reading your Bible or praying enough? Just try harder.?Right?
The following section is from my friend David Holland’s Devotional “Praying Grace.”
“You know the prescription. Bear down. Double up. Lather, rinse, repeat—in an endless, frustrating, shame-soaked cycle of defeat and failure that robs you of your confidence before God and keeps you feeling like the only Christian in the world who isn’t properly doing all the things.
None of that sounds very restful, does it? Yet, rest is precisely what we are called to in Jesus; particularly, rest from striving and straining to earn God’s approval.
The fact is, God sent Jesus so we could become restful human?beings, not busy human?doings. God paid an enormous price and lavished His grace upon us to restore us—not to good behavior—but to Himself, to reconnect us to the Source of life and love.”
Stop trying to do more to earn God’s approval.?
Because of what Jesus did you’ve been fully approved and fully qualified. Yes.?God has a plan for each of our lives and that does include doing something, but we’re not doing to earn His approval or His favor.
My son doesn’t obey me in order for me to love him more.?There’s nothing he could do to make me love him more or love him less.?I love him because he’s my son.
Our Heavenly Father is the same with us. Today just rest in His love and approval for you.?Just?be?His son or His daughter. That’s all He wants.
(If you want more encouragement in this area grab a free copy of my book "Finding your Grace Place" here -?findingyourgraceplace.com/free)