Have You Considered Linear?
Are you considering the acquisition of a fiber laser? If yes have you thought about configuring your fiber laser with linear technology? Linear Technology is a ground breaking development that is surprisingly, commonly unknown or misunderstood. A Fiber Laser that is driven by linear technology as opposed to a Rack and Pinion configuration offers many benefits. Things like the compact and modular design are certainly benefits. As well as the brushless design that helps increase speed as well as decrease wear. However, the main focal points when considering linear technology is without question the effect on cut speed and increase in accuracy that is provided.
Linear technology is a relatively complex technology that can be described in a relatively simple manner. Industrial strength magnets are used to engineer a movement system that is propelled through attracting and repelling magnetic forces. While one side of the magnets is permanently positively or negatively charged, the opposing side’s magnets charge is controlled through electrical current manipulation. By having a synchronous alternating current, a variable magnetic field is achieved. Thus creating a constantly reacting driving force that propels the bridge of the machine at a blitzing rate with amazing precision. These forces allow the machine to be driven through paths of less resistance in comparison to that of Rack and pinion. This in turn allows the bridge of the machine to not slow down for radius’, corners or other contours throughout the part. Which in turn is where linear technology begins to edge out a rack and pinion configured machine.
A Fiber Laser that is configured with linear technology has the ability to constantly move at an acceleration rate double of the 1.5 G rate that rack and pinion offers. At an acceleration rate of 3G, linear technology optimizes production rate at an exponential level! The increase in production rate can vary between part to part as it largely is dependent upon the dynamic of the part. If there are a lot of contours throughout the part, you will see a dramatic difference in cut time. While if your part is composed primarily of long straight runs, and not many contours, the difference will not be as dramatic. The driving forces that propel a linear driven machine are not only faster, but a path of less resistance as well, when comparing to a rack and pinion machine. The exact reasons that allow a faster acceleration rate also provide the explanation behind increased accuracy as well. This in turn provides benefit to the end user regardless of the part design. Even if the part is not a part that reflects a dramatic difference in cut speed, the improved accuracy is a constant result.
Ultimately there are numerous benefits to linear technology and reasons that make it worthy of consideration. Whether it’s for the increased cut speed, constant acceleration, increased accuracy, or others, benefits are around every corner that are relevant to each end user in one way or another. Through continuous research and development the benefits continue to strengthen their own resume as technology improves. In turn making more and more applications a scenario that linear technology is not only a viable solution, but a justifiable one as well.
At Nukon USA, we strive to provide our customers the knowledge and information needed to make a well educated and informed decision when purchasing a machine. Through our staff's extensive experience and world class R&D facilities and techniques at our disposal, we provide an unparalleled buying experience. As a fiber laser manufacturer we have implemented several building techniques that helps make this industry leading technology even more effective. Contact us today to learn more about linear technology and the benefits that come with having a Nukon Fiber Laser on your floor!