Have you considered becoming a voluntary board member?
Often people will suggest that becoming a voluntary board member is the place to begin your board career. Many will discount this as an option because they want a paying role. Others are prevented from making the most of these opportunities by the many misconceptions about voluntary board roles.
Common misconceptions of voluntary board roles
The term “not-for-profit” or “voluntary” conjures up images of organizations wanting to do good in the community but lacking strong governance, skilled board members, and essential cash flow. Let’s be honest; the same can be said for a large number of commercial organizations and their boards.
The truth is that most voluntary boards and committees are indeed well-governed, often with highly qualified and well-connected voluntary board members and operate at a highly professional level. Whilst voluntary board members are not paid, some not-for-profit board roles offer considerable levels of remuneration. The experience gained as a voluntary board member can be leveraged to gain a paid board position in the future . Serving as a voluntary board member offers the opportunity to contribute to your community and a segue to enhance both your professional & board careers.
Why consider serving as a voluntary board member?
There are many reasons why you should consider an opportunity to serve on a voluntary board or committee, many of which you have probably not taken into consideration:
First, review your Board Aspirations.
Serving as a voluntary board member is not suitable for everyone, and there are several questions you should ask yourself when making this decision:
For some, serving as a voluntary board member is the crucial first step to developing a board career. For others, it is worth waiting for that more substantial opportunity that will best facilitate their longer-term board aspirations. It is essential that you are clear about your short-term and medium-term board and professional goals. Then, consider what types of board seats will help you achieve these goals. Develop a list of the types of board seats, organizations and industries you want to start focusing on. Also, consider why you want a board seat in the first place . Addressing these questions will help guide you to where you begin your board career and whether being a voluntary board member fits in your board career plan.
One of the first things chairs and recruiters look for in potential independent board directors is past board or governance experience. Whilst a voluntary board or committee role may not be your longer-term aspiration, if you have not held a board seat, this sort of appointment will provide valuable experience. Plus, you can officially identify as an independent director or board member.
A word of warning: when pursuing a voluntary board appointment, be mindful of how your motivations may be perceived. Not-for-profit chairs and directors are extremely passionate about the organizations they serve. I recommend that your pitch to them should demonstrate similar passion. You can not be seen as using the role as a stepping stone to more lucrative opportunities. Also, you should take into consideration that the role of a voluntary board member can often be an unforgiving and demanding one. I strongly advise that you only consider working with organizations and causes that you are truly passionate about.
Where to start looking for voluntary board roles
If you have concluded that serving as a voluntary board member is a good fit with your board career plans, be assured that there is always a large selection of positions available. NFP organizations vary in size, industry and location. I mentioned earlier that the NFP sector is unique in that organizations have open standing board & committee vacancies. They also have passionate sitting board members who are keen to have conversations about the organizations they represent. For you, this provides an abundance of opportunities, with open doors to approach target NFP organisations directly.
To develop a list of NFP organizations to focus on, most countries and states will have database-driven websites listing all approved Not-for-Profit organizations. You may use websites that list volunteer opportunities, such as Volunteer Match (USA) and Points of Light (International).
If you are serious about becoming a volunteer board member and/or independent commercial board member, I can show you how to achieve these goals via my BOARD APPOINTMENT COACHING PROGRAM .
About the Author
David Schwarz is CEO & Founder of Board Appointments. He has over a decade of experience in putting people on boards as an international headhunter and recruiter. He has interviewed hundreds of directors and placed hundreds into some of the most significant public, private and NFP director roles in the world.
I agree - most people I know in voluntary board position (whether in NGOs or Chambers) derive from this quite a bit of sense of purpose. It is a great way to give back to the community - whatever this community is for the individual.