Have You Claimed Your Seat?
Alicia Economos
Speaker | Author | Founder & Director of Wholehearted Living Inc. - a non profit dedicated to enhancing mental, physical and spiritual health by helping people develop relationships that thrive!
Imagine having a ticket to see a show at a luxurious performing arts center – maybe to see one of your favorite singers, comedians or Broadway musicals.
As the evening of the performance finally arrives, you’re full of anticipation for how great the show will be.
As you enter the venue, you hand your ticket to one of the ushers and look around to see where you’ll be seated. Hopeful that you’ll have a good seat, you follow the usher to the right section and the right row.
In Ephesians 2:6, Paul tells us that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. Do you realize what that means? The best seats in the house have been reserved for God’s family! And a special seat has been reserved just for you!
That’s great news, unless you’ve not taken your seat.
Unfortunately, many people ignore their rightful claim to this preferred seating. Thinking they’re somehow not good enough, they’re afraid their seat will be disappointing, and therefore, they waste time wandering around in the lobby.
But if you dive into God’s Word and discover your true identity (in Christ), you’ll understand the blessings God has prepared for you. As a result, you can confidently take your seat.
And once you get settled in, your view will change; you’ll see things from the perspective God intended, which will provide greater clarity about your God-given purpose or calling. Consequently, you’ll be able to focus on what matters most.
So, if you haven’t taken your seat, what are you waiting for?
Maybe it’s time to embrace your true identity and claim your inheritance; discover the amazing woman that God created in YOU!