Have you been Safe or Lucky?

Have you been Safe or Lucky?

It is Wednesday 10/07/15; we have made it half way through another week. Friday is almost here! I am hoping that no one who can read this has been involved in a work related incident or accident to this point in the week. I am hoping the Companies of everyone who read this have not been involved in a work related incident or accident to this point in the week.

If that is the case, CONGRATS!!! That is a Big Deal considering OSHA estimates that 12 workers die each day on the job.

I truly hope that 12 a day never includes you or anyone within your Company.

With that, I challenge you to ask yourself a question. Have you been Safe or Lucky? In other words is your respectable safety record a result of your Company having adequate safety programs in place? Is training conducted where needed and required? Are job sites and facilities inspected to ensure a safe working atmosphere is provided for everyone? Are you comfortable knowing everything that can be reasonable expected has been done to send the workers home each day in the same shape they clocked in?

Don’t answer these questions in the mindset of your position within the company. Instead, answer them as if you were in the shoes of your “front line” and “boots on the ground” workers. How would they answer these questions?

All those questions bring us right back to the original question. Are you a Safe Company or have you been Lucky?

After answering these questions honestly to yourself, accept the answers, and then move forward. The new question and only question that should be left to ask yourself is what will you do today (This should be a question each day.) to increase the chances of you, your employees, your coworkers and visitors having a tomorrow?

"No one should have to sacrifice their life for their livelihood, because a nation built on the dignity of work must provide safe working conditions for its people." Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez

Joseph Doherty-USN Retired

Occupational Safety, Health (Industrial Hygiene), Environmental, Training, Programs Management

9 年

Reminded that the Titanic Captain thoght sin sinkings were a bygone event.

Sam Hawkins Sr. [CSP, ASP, CHST]

Let's Not Meet By Accident!? |OSHA & DOT Compliance Solutions| |Truck Crash Expert Witness|

9 年

No problem; thanks for reading Jeff Fantz!



