Have you been a rainbow in someone's cloud?

Have you been a rainbow in someone's cloud?

Picture Courtsey: Vaishali Chaubey

The Rainbow is indeed an amazing natural phenomena with the sun rays falling on the water droplets in the atmosphere and creating a spectrum of different colours, which not only soothes the eyes and soul, but also exudes positivity, charm, sparkle, and vitality in the nature.

With just a glimpse of rainbow, all the worries, miseries, several complexities, and other trivial problems seem to have dissipated at least for a while till the moment you take your eyes off. The best thing about the rainbow is that it re-invigorates the various dormant forces within an individual and around the nature. It brings vividness in the nature.

Grass becomes greener, the withered leaves of the trees seem to hold their heads up as if they also want to have a look at this beautiful combination of light and water and a great symbol of liveliness and exuberance. Thus, the environment and surrounding become greener and full of lots of colours, leaving a positive impression in the minds and happiness in the hearts of people. And finally, you fall in love with nature time and again.

When I see a rainbow I instantly begin to question my reality. I begin to question my existence. I begin to question beyond my senses. Like if there exists colors in the atmosphere around us, why can't we see it? Why are we bound only by our 5 senses? What's beyond our 5 senses? What if through the aid of some medium like the prism in the case of rainbow, we could see the reality? We always think the reality is something that can only be sensed by our 5 senses and beyond that we are completely unaware. Can you imagine how the world would be if we had more than 5 senses? Reality would be completely different.

There could be someone or something right behind you or hovering around you which your senses could see or track for which you don't have the sense organ to see or feel. Can you imagine? Doesn't it feel like we are living in a fake world like in some 'reality questioning movies'? In a contest, in my college, someone asked girl : What is the colour of money? “White” She answered.

She was asked to give a reason. “White is the colour of money as it is the solution to almost everything in today's world. This color, when passed through a prism, breaks up into a band of colors which contain all the other colors. Money is playing the role of being ‘White’ in this sense as when used, it gives us everything” Quite an impressive and artistic answer this was. Since then, I don't know why but when I see a rainbow, it reminds me of money. Quite unrelated but still related. Quite untrue but still so true.

Rainbow teaches me to keep united (somewhat like United Colours of Benetton!). When 7 different colors, different wavelengths, different frequency can be united, why not we can live unitedly. Why to fight when we can live happily with each other ? Rainbow give me the feeling of hope. Everyone’s has certain obstacles in their life. Rather than losing hope we should learn to tackle that situation. We all know that rainbow is visible in the sky after a heavy rain or thunderstorm, just like that, Hope is also visible in our life after many difficulties. Rainbow gives me the feeling of happiness.

Rainbow not only looks beautiful, it looks like it is there for spreading happiness. As soon as the rainbow is visible everyone becomes happy - similarly you should also spread happiness between you and your friends and family. The first thing I feel when I see a rainbow is delight. They are so beautiful, and one doesn't get to see them every day. Next I feel gratitude. I'm grateful that I get to see it, and I'm grateful the natural world is so beautiful so often. Then I feel a little point between knowing that the physics of rainbows are completely understood, no mysteries are involved, and yet they are so beautiful and so surprising when they happen.

If we are talking about a genuine rainbow in the sky, created by moisture and light refraction… I fall into love. Completely awed and astounded. Usually if I can see a rainbow, it means I am in a place with a wide view of the sky and horizon, which might mean I'm in a beautiful natural setting, which also tends to make me feel free and happy and thankful. So, it's been a while since I have seen a rainbow, urban or rural. Thanks for reminding me of this very pleasing natural wonder…and finally in the golden words "My Heart Leaps Up" Poem by William Wordsworth, 1770 - 1850

My heart leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky:

So was it when my life began;

So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die!

The Child is father of the Man;

And I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety.


Manisha Nandedkar?? ??

Founder at PersonaCraft Training Solutions and Coaching Classes

3 年


Padma S.

Professor, KL Business School, K L University

3 年




