Have you been profiled recently?
"If your coach isn’t profiling you frequently then you are paying for a companion - get an iPod, they are cheaper and less condescending."
Valid and reliable data is precisely how we move forward in every aspect of our lives. As S&C coaches we hypothesise, we intervene, we scrutinise (more often than not we prove ourselves wrong over time as science and technology improves), and then we start again with a more educated base. And yet here we are, in an age when the scientific method is forgotten or untaught?in schools, or simply ignored because it conflicts with our opinion. When did we become apathetic to fact and prefer shouting louder than the person next to us? When did a photo of a bicep or an up lighting bulb convince us that we were getting fitter? Note to all coaches out there, if you can’t define Valid or Reliable then you need to buy a book. Ahh SPSS.?
I am a proud scientist and strong advocate that evidence and facts speak louder than dogma, especially when it comes to physical health and wellness. “If we have data, let’s look at the data. If all we have are opinions then let’s go with mine”. Our hope must be that Jim Barksdale’s words apply to dinner table debate but not the application of science in a fitness world. You telling yourself (or worse, me telling you so you consume more services) that you have lost weight should not be an opinion. ‘Think’ you are getting stronger? Nothing to think about, either you are or you are not.?
Opinions are everywhere and rarely do our lives revert to black and white evidence. I am grateful that my living and reputation depends on facts and my career journey will be rewarded by education and results instead of publicity spin. If I am worth my salary then you will be achieving your goals. Strip the noise, the marketing, and the filtered before and after photos away and regardless of your goal you should frequently be rewarding your grind with evidenced progress and scientific adaptation.?
I am not being seasonally inconsiderate, ’twas the season to be jolly’ and I was. MY body composition goals waited until Jan, not because I am lazy (although I am), but because I refuse to chastise myself over the mince pies and Christmas cake I adore. However I am fully transparent to the hard work I lost by avoiding the gym in favour of a buffet, and how much more work I have to do in January. The FACT will is that I gained weight and lost Aerobic fitness. And I dare say a lot of us did so at least there is solidarity in Christmas gluttony. Denying it to yourself or others is futile. You need the humility (and evidence) to change from.
As 2023 starts and all of our athlete members get back under the bar across our multiple facilities and our endurance athletes return to the ergs, we will not be embarrassed or offended by the data. We will be informed. Are you afraid to check your bank balance because you think you have spent too much? Then I guess you are also avoiding the gym "until you are fit enough” too. Note, money and fitness don’t arrive by accident. Educate yourself with data and make sure your coach is doing so too.
So how do we approach January with our paying member athletes across the UK and Asia? We lead informative profiling sessions, communicate what is expected, and educate that testing data is not to show you how unfit you are, quite the opposite. Profiling informs our programming for your benefit. If your coach isn’t profiling you then you are paying for a companion - get an iPod, they are cheaper and less condescending. If you are serious about your health investment then demand to be profiled. Importantly if your goal is body composition then pay for a DEXA, your intermittent paleo keto plant based diet deserves more than 5 skin clips by your coach behind a curtain.?
Scientific method improves our industry. Are we all using it informatively?