Have you been getting your Self-Worth from you Job?

In her book "Betting on You" Laurie Ruettimann explores this essential topic

Throughout my career, I’ve seen how dangerous it can be to equate self-worth to one’s job. It leads to self-doubt, anxiety, and a fragile sense of self that’s constantly at the mercy of external validations. A job loss, a demotion, or even a failed project can be devastating when your identity is deeply intertwined with a career.

Our jobs might provide a platform to showcase some of our talents, but they shouldn’t define us. By recognizing this, we can cultivate a more resilient and balanced approach to life and work.

One of the core messages I hope to convey is that detaching your worth from your work doesn’t mean disengaging from the job. On the contrary, it can be liberating. When we stop relying on our jobs for validation and find worth within ourselves, “or from our creator” (italics added), we become more innovative, adaptable, and willing to take calculated risks.

In an era where burnout is common and work-life boundaries are blurry, this is a crucial message. We are more than our job titles or our professional accomplishments. Embracing this truth is the first step towards a fulfilling career and a balanced life.



