Have you automated your Active Directory process for user onboarding?
The new employee onboarding process usually stays the same at most organisations. Many companies are still manually onboarding employees within their Active Directory (AD).
This manual process not only takes a lot of man-hours, but also risks human error while setting up new accounts!
A common practice when creating new user accounts is to copy from an existing user account and modify permissions later. However, this becomes a challenge when multiple accounts need to be created.
Until now, the most chosen workaround was to create PowerShell scripts. However when the scripts break, PowerShell experts have to spend more time in analysing, fixing and retesting the script.
For helpdesks, the challenge in user onboarding is an exhaustive checklist of things to do – with each task dependent on HR input. It would be a lot easier to have a single dashboard, that lets you collect and validate all inputs before rolling up your sleeves for all the data entry to follow.
ADManager Plus lets HR fill out a self-explanatory, new user onboarding form. It prompts them to provide nothing but basic user details. Once submitted, ADManager Plus does the heavy lifting in the background. ADManager Plus proactively fills out relevant user data and intelligently auto-populates other extended AD attributes based on custom smart rules.
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