Why is it.....Have You Adapted To Google's Mobilgeddon?

Why is it.....Have You Adapted To Google's Mobilgeddon?

Or have you been bamboozled by your web provider that your website is fine...even though it's NOT MOBILE RESPONSIVE.

When this announcement by Google that they would penalize non-mobile adaptive websites, it caught a ton of companies off guard, even though they stated they'd be doing this 2 years before they did. Those that didn't comply, saw losses of up to 40%-60% on their website traffic.


STEP ONE: Go to your website provider's home page URL. 

See how they stack up by using this Google Tool: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/


If their website is NOT mobile responsive....I would bet they have no clue how to make your website mobile responsive, or they'll cut corners in "trying" to help your website become responsive! (If they don't invest in their business, why would you invest with them)?

More on being Bamboozled later in the blog....

By now you've heard of this huge change in the Google search algorithm....have you adapted? Here's why:

The Facts on Mobile Adoption and Usage

  • 60% of Internet Access Is Mostly Mobile

  • 90% of adults in the U.S. have a cell phone

  • Of that 90% of cell phone owners, 58% have a smartphone (More than half!)

  • 32% of adults in the U.S. own an e-reader

  • 42% of adults in the U.S. own a tablet computer

How Mobile Technology Changes Human Behavior

  • Smartphone users check their devices 150 times a day.

  • 67% of cell phone owners check their phone for messages, alerts, or calls — even when their phone is not sending an alert.

  • 44% of cell phone owners admitted to sleeping with their phone by their bed because they did not want to miss any calls, text messages, or social media updates while they were sleeping.

  • 29% of cell phone owners have taken to describing their phone as “something they can’t imagine living without.”

Browsing Habits Redefined by Mobile Technology

  • 34% of smartphone users go online mostly using their phones, and not on a desktop, laptop, or other device.

  • People using a desktop computer to search online will increase from 1.4 billion to 1.6 billion users in 2015.

  • People searching online using a smartphone will increase from 800 million to 1.9 billion users in 2015.

  • 46% of people using mobile devices report having problems viewing a static site. A static site is a traditional, non-responsive website.

  • 44% of people surveyed claim that navigation was difficult on smaller devices.

Go ahead take the test at: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/

If you passed, probably no need to read further...IF YOU FAILED...it's best you read on....

So many website providers claim, or told their customers the following;

Don't' worry, people can still access your website on their mobile devices. (True, BUT NOT addressing the issue. If they are saying that and not changing your website platform for mobile responsive/adaptive....FIRE THEM NOW)! Why, let me explain

  • 57% of mobile device users won’t recommend businesses with poor mobile site designs, and
  • 48% say that businesses with mobile sites that don’t function properly have the appearance of not caring

So do you have to perform the functions below on your mobile device to access your website content?

If this is how your website functions, above, you better read on as to other ways your provider may be bamboozling you into false truths about mobile.

AND...if the next excuse is

Excuse #2 - Oh, I can't fix your current website to be mobile responsive, BUT I can build you a mobile site for extra money!

Ok, I hear this all the time. Here are my two responses to this solution:

  1. So, you totally missed the boat about mobile, built me a website...AND TOOK MY MONEY, because you sold me that you were the experts... BUT now you want to charge me more money for another website because you are NOT the experts and had no clue in the first place and I have to pay for your ignorance & mistake?
  2. So now I have two websites I have to maintain and it costs me 2X as much....again because you sold me a bill of goods because you had no clue and I trusted your so called expertise!

YEP and there's more....click the link

Read The Entire Blog By Clicking The Link


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