Have wisdom to choose the best route
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Let us believe first of all that there is no such thing as a best route, there are only possible routes. Stop thinking in terms of good and bad choices, just choices. Pick a route or make a choice, that works for you, and enjoy that journey. All routes ultimately lead to the same destination, our end. That being the case, enjoy the route or journey you are in now. Appreciate the people that love you, and love them back. They are in this journey with you, and are here to support you. Soon we will all be gone, so now is the time to leave your mark, no matter how small it is. For starters, try answering a few questions on Quora, there are no wrong answers. Enjoy your journey.
Everything you need is within you. You will not fond this answer in any other person, place or thing. You must answer this, ultimately alone. I can place you in my goal achieving course, but the first thing I will ask is, 'What do you want?' You must answer this first. Study the Laws that govern your being, and you will begin to understand who and what you are. Develop intuition and listen to your inner presence, which knows who you are, what you want, and the path of least resistance to getting there. Change your thinking, and you will change your life!
If the route you are going through makes you more mature as a person, if it leads you to become more aware of yourself and your capabilities, if it challenges you to really thrive in life then go to that path. There are choices we need to make and oftentimes we feel as if it doesn’t make sense anymore as to where it leads us, just remember that the more difficult and complicated that route may seem, the more you’ll be able to grow and learn as a person.
Don't feel bad about being lost. It's okay to feel lost sometimes - but allowing yourself to dwell on that as a negative is something that in no way will help you get out of the rut you feel stuck in. I don't have a passion for anything. Sometimes life has the most meaning when you aren't pursuing your own passions. I'd advise you to consider removing this ideal (passionate pursuit of something) from your expectations, and instead consider helping someone else pursue their passion. This can be a great strategy - it allows you to move on when other, more interesting options come along for you, which they most certainly will, while simultaneously giving you purpose.
Every time I think I want to do something, I want to follow through somethings which encourages one to build effectiveness slowly by making and keeping small promises to oneself over a period of time to build up your own belief that you can and will follow through on the bigger promises you would like to make. Do not make big promises to yourself (risky) until you have enough of a balance to recover should you not keep that promise. I'm constantly changing my mind and finding reasons why my career choices aren't good ones.
Convince yourself that this is actually a good thing - which it is. The marketplace is changing and it is okay to change your mind as you continue to learn and grow. Heaven forbid we all pursue only those dreams we had as little children - we'd have a world full of astronauts, cowboys, adventurers, and little else. Also, by changing careers a little more often you will find you become much more knowledgeable/capable about the world overall as you combine skills across disciplines. View each change of heart as an opportunity to grow in a new direction. Remember that not everyone actually "suffers" from wanderlust - it can be something to enjoy.
If I manage to find something I enjoy, I do it so much that I'm burned out and don't want to do it again. This too is natural and okay. I'd recommend you keep a journal though, so you can go back after time has passed and find some of those old passions of yours to rekindle them. I go from one thing to another. Give yourself permission to do this. Are you spending too much time comparing yourself to others? Don't do that. I'm a perpetual student which helps me avoid having to make any decisions. Is this really a problem?
Do you not realize that continually learning may be exactly what you need to be doing at this point in life? I don't know how old you are, but you should maybe read some biographies of people who didn't find their "calling" until later in life. It happens all the time. By learning a lot about a lot of different things you are preparing yourself for a fantastic future. Yes, the present may not be as idyllic as you imagine for yourself, or as others have it, but your potential future is very, very bright.
I'm tired of searching, but I can't get myself out of this cycle. This is most likely because it is part of your nature. Embrace it, don't feel ashamed by it. Keep your chin up and smile, cheers! Clarity implies rigidness of options and opportunities. Life is dynamic and loaded with uncertainty. Clarity unfolds as you make your move and advance with trust and confidence. If you are unsure of your move, you need to figure out what you enjoy and motivates you and follow your dream. Moving in the direction of your talents and abilities sets you into motion. The more you learn, experience and accomplish the more insight is gained and the more opportunities arise for you to evolve.
You are making your destiny . You take a step that's make your destiny .You know you are going to be a doctor but if you don't study then you are not going to be a doctor anymore . So your destiny is in your hand , work on yourself and you going to make your own destiny and reach your own destination . destiny is not made you need to make that stuff..The best way to get your way in life…? One’s best can never be the best for others, as everyone’s situation is not similar. so, the advice that I can give you is; First, figure out what you wannabe or want from life.
Better make a list. Prioritize your goals. Look for the resources you have to make it all happen. They can be material as well as your abilities, any talent/potential you have. If you think you haven't got enough, then make do with what you got. If I were in your shoes, my next step would be to map out every possible way to achieve it all. Give it all you have got, give it your best, and nothing in the world can stop you from getting your way in life. The struggle may seem to be the hard part, but nothing is ever achieved without struggle. Cheers!
Be silence. Let stillness move you naturally. NOWhere~NOwhere.
2 年And you too.Kishore Shintre ??????♀???
RefrigerationTechnician & Ammonia plant operator, supervisor in Nile perch Fisheries in year 2009 to 2017.
2 年?????sir
Teaching Assistant at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
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