Have we forgotten about Placekeeping?
Stewart Jackson
Working Peer @House of Lords Founder, UK Political Insight. Ex MP & SpAd. HS2 Residents' Commissioner. Non Exec. Member, BTPA. Was a banker then HR manager.
The Government's new NMDC (National Model Design Code) needs an important addition … to safeguard our community spaces. it’s so simple? It's called PlaceKEEPING - Why isn’t it included?
In November this year, Glasgow hosted the COP26 Conference, it proved that the UK and the World, unequivocally want transformations to how we act, what we do so we can protect AND KEEP our planet from being damaged beyond repair so we need to work as together towards a better environment, for all, supporting our economies and communities
Much of the focus of Cop26 was on "big picture" projects, such as carbon-based fuel bans, rainforest preservation and large-area rewilding. The methods for improvement and eradication of the worst offenders, needs substantial investigation - to fix what is broken, repair what can be fixed and eliminate bad practices in entirety.??
This will take time, as the gathering of information, the deep examination of the problems and the many differing solutions are overwhelming and immense.
No one disputes changes need to happen, behaviours need to change, action needs to happen so let’s begin the process NOW, starting with simple changes.?
The Government, The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is in the process of introducing the NMDC (National Model Design Code) … why???
To incorporate better designed homes for us to live in, but regrettably, at the moment the NMDC, is only proposing a ‘light touch’ to, the most important element, what surrounds these beautiful houses, what provides communities the spaces to walk, run, play, look, sit and breath in … ?
Well one body,?the Land Trust,?who’s experience for over 20 years knows that without stronger regulations on the area of ‘PlaceKEEPING’,?the green and blue infrastructure will lose its impact, beautiful homes need soft landscapes for the communities they are built for to make a house into a home.?
The great news is this can be easily modified, and the benefits will be immeasurable to new housing developments and house builders that need to integrate into the communities where they are building.
Extracts from the NMDC refer to a precise approach and a clear guide to house builders and their teams on the importance of the delivery of green and blue infrastructure within their schemes. However, there is no mention of the significance of stewardship and how new places should be managed to guarantee “for the long-term”.?
Regulations? Guidance? Advice? Perhaps we need to have a "call to action"?
We have adopted ways of not using single use plastic. Accepting electric cars. Recycling and up-cycling for re-using. Thinking of our personal carbon footprints. Shopping locally, and in season. Avoiding peat-based compost and thinking about our outside green spaces; for the bees, butterflies and wildlife.
But we can do more, NOW by strengthening policy that protects green and blue spaces.?In the NMDC (National Model Design Code) Urban corridors, large parks and woodlands, are not the only important green & blue spaces . Community meadows and green infrastructure on our housing estates, are just as important and often overlooked, in regard to their up-keep, their safeguarding, their protection.?
Green/blue space is commonly described as an area of grass, trees, or other vegetation, lakes, ponds that are set apart for recreational or aesthetic purposes in an otherwise sub/urban environment.
They support great placemaking.
Collectively, we need to ensure we have great place keeping, to achieve this the NMDC needs modification.
Euan Hall, from the Land Trust, is adamant that if we do not ensure obligatory, professional place keeping management
“Long term commitment to place keeping is more than just creating attractive landscapes, it is crucial to support climate change, protect wildlife and eco systems and most importantly, change behaviours in communities, creating healthier ways of thinking
Then emphasising, “Green and blue spaces offer social benefits too, not to mention economic ones.”
The world once had land which was covered in dense forests, with incredibly rich biodiversity. Fast forward to today and because of peoples behaviours and actions, our world has changed in a way that offers no benefits , just expensive temporary solutions.?
A permanent solution that can be achieved NOW is to change the NMDC so the smallest pocket of green space can help to begin the reversal of damage done, by allowing , the soil and trees to help to begin the process of reducing carbon emissions by absorbing carbon from the air. This in turn, creates cleaner air to breathe in communities.
Sub/Urban green areas can soak up rainwater that may otherwise cause flooding, plus wetlands can store excess water safely. Trees can shade buildings, keeping them cooler and reducing energy consumption. Green spaces create habitats that encourage wildlife including wildflowers, insects, and small mammals. And wildlife enhances biodiversity.
Biodiversity has a direct impact on our everyday lives. From food production to water supplies. Our future depends on the best possible biodiversity, to support better mental health.
The planning of new spaces in new housing developments are instrumental in the change of behaviours
But there was an important element of Cop26, that of the urgent need to recognise how providing sustainable new housing environments that simultaneously encourage biodiversity, meet so many targets discussed at Cop26.
The forthcoming Environment Bill is to introduce a new forward-thinking emphasis
UK-wide, the aim is to ensure new developments enhance biodiversity and create sustainable green spaces.?
The early years are key in the establishment of biodiverse and species-rich environments and managing these is not a short-term project; they require long-term specialist management solutions.
So, do you agree??
A simple change to the NMDC could provide housing developments being built today to?still look amazing in 50 years.
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