Have we allowed white supremacists to high jack the Evangelical Vote?

As an African American technical marketing representative decades back I called on Iowa customers representing a multinational corporation. I found Iowans to be forthright, never making me feel self-conscious about being a technical expert. If Iowans told me something I never had to question it truthiness.

Iowans educated the great African American Botanist George Washington Carver (peanut man) whose research benefited both African American and white southern farmers. Carver initially got turned down for college because he was black but Iowans ignored his race and made him the first black to enter Iowa State College.

 The power brokers of his day as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, President Theodore Roosevelt, so on sought his advice. Yet the epitaph on his grave marker reads: "He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world."

A holistic look at Carver’s life disturbs me greatly as I sense a modern aurora in discussions around Evangelical Voters has morphed into anti-black euphemism for ballyhooing white racism.  We accuse ISIL of high jacking Islam to aid their political agenda, but are we turning a blind eye to the potential of white supremacy groups high jacking American Evangelicalism?  


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