Have and wanting spoils Donald Trump Jamaica & old Earth Leaders~ Don't! The GRACE age in on us exposing shame in the onslaught of the Information Age

Have and wanting spoils Donald Trump Jamaica & old Earth Leaders~ Don't! The GRACE age in on us exposing shame in the onslaught of the Information Age

Have and wanting spoils Donald Trump Jamaica & old Earth Leaders~ Don't ~The GRACE age in on us exposing shame in the onslaught of the Information Age

My Google connections, please see full Post with Stunning Contexting Feature Pictures and Videos and other pictures.

at https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/have-wanting-spoils-donald-trump-jamaica-old-earth-leaders-smith/

What is this post about:

  1. The Old Jamaica, Old USA, Old Canada, even Old Earth shame of stagnation and Low per capita creation expressed in even in Looting Petrodollar being exposed by Even Global lie measure of China as Third world ~  for Change to the God Kingdom come Borderless earth cleansed of the thief needing spoil in above Cow'ism spiritual wickedness in high places NEt suckerism bu nun serve all Kings but rather Babylon harlots and the abominations of the earth drunk with the blood of the pressing to be Serve all kings Bleeding in funded by might and power of satanuments boundary extortion and loot taxes above and outside the God Kingdom come being loosed on Earth principles. If a man doesn't work he should not eat It is in giving that we are blessed: Giving ever to greater Values for less by honing creations and serve-all-creation distribution skills for to infinity Global and omnipresence Economies of scale and the most equitable distribution enabled by such low prices enabling into 'serve-all' all. Is it just China who understand this

2. Promotion of the Achievable economic targets of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL IN CHRIST Publications for your all 7.3 billion+ of us in the press to the high mark of our calling IN CHRIST Consider details in Publication

See Links to get your copies at end of post below after reading this interesting Share responding to 'congratulation on specified Aniversary' from Anthony Drummonds.


Now please check this out.           

         For us to put your best effort to the ' press to serve- all' with ever to greater Glory Life, more abundantly Like

~ the initial Family founder of SamsungElectronics

~ Bill Gates

Like Million of Chinese been doing trying to be double triple Bill Gates and more to infinity by us all being God through his Son the body of Christ being remembered from dismemberment to bring even the Lord God Almighty in and through us the creators loosing on earth like Tesla model x, Nissan Leaf Galaxy note, solution of Planet 7X passing for none perish Gods wish but all come to life and life more abundantly the life we live Christ Jesus living through us in infinity of ways Ever a Jedi in his upcoming eternal reign Grace Ages Everlasting life Kingdom of heaven including Earth and all in Omnipresence Us all

enabling all in serve-all mode for being serve-all Kings and Lords of Jesus exercising dominion power God in everlasting to everlasting delegate to his son like all loosing on earth by inflesh man so God may loose same in heaven all in heaven as one No bloodcloth thief. No seeing Mystery Babylon mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth drunken with the blood of the saints ~ the pressing to be serve all King and Celestial Cities properties development Lords shame casing darkness stagnations and low per capita shame like 2015 US$16,100 PPP and not wanting to go up through US$75,000 to 150,000 of strengthening $ meaning all prices fall for tesla all Ford vehicles and all Americas and earth and all in omnipresence infinity of creations for life to all more abundantly ever a Jedi by borderless earth enabling serve all by even transformed thieves to Serve all creator kings and Jesus's Lords loosing products that are produced to serve all scale with scale prices allowing the most equitable distribution to all enabling serve all of the billions out of poverty above first world of man~ Your Kingdom come Oh God IN CHRIST. Praise God mellinneal reign praise Ever a Jedi Shocker exceedingly more abundantly above what we will think.

Jesus is King of 'Serve all Kings, and LORD of Celestial Cities 'served to all Lords' by sales or rental of values for less served to all by even tourism, youtube videos viewing of introduction to doing too inspirational things not possible to net sucking devils and demons jacking up prices (prices should only fall that is how it is in Kingdom of heaven where the thief doth not steal and the moth doth not rot for we expose their shame}; be creator to ever honing creation skills creator Kings of bright and beautiful, greater and small things economies of scale produced and with infinity increasing efficiency distribution technologies silk road even served to all through all habitation dominion to Christ the Lord through us makes them all of various utilities for life more abundantly the Lord makes them all Glory only to God and Unless the Lord build the house they that labour, labour in vain for the thief must be transformed to being Christ too serving all Christ footstool,

What are out hinderance from achieving this to infinity ~ Kingdom of God come~ all in serve all mode. Gods Everlasting wish :- It is not my wish that any should perish but that all come to Life I am the way the true and the Life to infinity for all eternal habitation all with Everlasting Life IN CHRIST No man come to the Father, the Kingdom of heaven but by me. The tree of death of which no one should eat. We should only eat of the tree of life He who drinks of this cup out of his belly will runs rivers of living waters still the tree of life Priesting Feed my sheep ing Professing in all profession as we bring all things into subjection of the Word of God Good for instruction in all areas of our life in fact delivering us beholding Christ the anointed one and his anointing of whose cup we drink Out of the mouth come issues of life or issues of death I am the Life, come that all may have life and have it more abundantly {China understands this more that Ols USA} so come again THE WAY, THE TRUTH, JESUS FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH. In all your getting Get this understanding and becoming fluent It is by its force increasing in motion of life It is the Holy Ghost of Jesus the third person of the Trinity Good head THE I AM, The righteousness of God in Christ Jesus the nature of God help to us via the word of God THE VERY OPPOSITE OF THE THIEF yet explainer of the thief

Here is the answer

We wrestle not against Flesh and blood but against principalities (Google it and you are not far from what it is} against powers against spiritual wickedness in high places, the rulership of the dark age (now at 2017) passing at the outset of the INFORMATION AGE for we are loosing it unavoidable if we are to prosper for prosperity is a function of Soul prosperity the Mind of Christ increasing in us Read and enable these publications of MAJesty shock Trail in Christ ;org as I recieve and labor in Profession(s) of Life Christ IN Christ. The Chinese long understand this Hence fight for One China Policy out of clan'ism of Luciferianism pointing to One Earth Policy Global

what can I say about Africa never United;

will happen ~ One Earth and omnipresence. Yes, we get understanding Thank God for Jesus that is helping to crush punish the head of the serpent up ass unto colon cancer for any, prostate cancer Fibroids of the thief killing and destroying to steal with impunity every one to condone per the unrighteousness tree of death of which we should not eat or be enforcing as criminals that we so easily be indulging in net suckerism unto BABYLON harlots and abominations of the earth exaltedness Ghetto's of little to no ingenuity just shame for God is not in just the darkness age perpetuating in johncrownu'ism. the tail not the fullness of the Godhead Jesus

We be Givo to infinity henceforth Christ Jesus not the serpent living through us sale for all. so meek and lowly for us to find the Rest or our soul as Jesus is even beheld I am meek and lowly

and that Trump so easily falter from Global~

The fight for spoils is Luciferianism the heart of man desperately wicked too. not Jehovah Jireh the creator of abundance served to all the I am that we are to be to infinity

 I am in the Father and the father is in me. I am the vine Jesus says I you abide in the vine and my word abides in you me and you and abiding to infinity for we choose to be only meek and lowly as Jesus is for our soul to find rest Omnipotence rest even when we become ONE ONe Nation under God Donald trump say. Right, praise the Lord.                                                  

Re your LinkedIn October 11th 2017 "Congrats on our work anniversary!

  • Susan Rowe-Blidgen sent the following message at 8:15 AM


Paul Scott sent the following message at 5:26 AM

5:26 AM

Sheval Anthony Smith sent the following messages at 12:30 PM


Please do Consider and share this post {linked to here

https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/have-wanting-spoils-donald-trump-jamaica-old-earth-leaders-smith/} to all you {our} social media connections to infinity share level


~ the Americas and Earth Spring to New Borderless Earth cleansed of the thieves borders for boundary extortion and lot taxes lesser allowed in One China Policy unto the lifting of over 800 million out of poverty to being emerging serv all Kings Mega Bill Gates compared {to Americas and All Old Earth} by and for above 10% tithes on annual Increase ~ per Kingdom of God come principles the keys God gave us to the kingdom of heaven reality on earth eternal habitation and for

~ the greatest prosperity and good health 10 years to 2025,

we matching emerging China one with all earth is loosing on earth.

See our ‘Living Souls 10 years Global and Jamaica Achievable Economic Targets 10 years to 2025.


for easily attainable Minimum Global Creation in 10 years to 2025 SEE YEAR BY YEAR BREAKOUT above

` achieved by 1. Sign This Petition https://www.change.org/p/stop-hindering-the-greater-good-the-greatest-peace-and-prosperity-on-the-earth-by-perpetuating-principalities-having-demonized-and-even-sodomized-by-requiring-given-in-marriage-in-the-last-30-years-the-near-600-million-immigrants-of-the-americas

and the others that makes the AMERICAS 0.982 Billion to 2.5 billion population (One-third of the earth and seas/oceans should have 1/3 of the earth's population so let us have the migration and inalienable rights Liberty wherein Christ Jesus makes us free the real migration travel predestined before the foundation of the earth with mega Air Ports and other travel infrastructure} we are ONE and One with all in The Earth ~ no more principalities. Just Global one One World Even Government on Christ's shoulders in us, one with the Omnipresence ~ Kingdom of heaven.

' Please take this even as our discussion starter/notching up ' 

Hello Paul Scott 

You are Global~ my Global~ Kingdom of God come on Earth now we are loosing as brother/Associate ' 

{Consider casting down even forgetting that 'Old man ~ Old Earth ~ Old USA Lie American identity thing or abominable principalities nothingness Jamaican thingy~ those Duppy identities. principalities in principalities'ism being exalted above Kingdom of God come Us being Global and Omnipresence Kingdom of Heaven into which we go by the Keys Jesus gives us by him being the life we live Like the Chinese though a little oblivious are living increasingly more than lesser Unity and pointing to Seek ye first the kingdom of God come great Glory to infinity ever a Jedi Ages of Glory we are stepping in.

"Steps of the righteous Ordered by God"

"as many as are led by the Spirit they shall be called sons of God"

Elohim yah


Song words:

Jah mek ya

one with di I

to infinity infinity

Yah weh! ... all of the heaven and the earth to infinity to Infinity.

Word make all in the heaven and the earth

dwell as one

inna the positive of the word

Let there be glory all through the heaven and the earth to infinity

Unnu munnu feel my pain

Unnu know my grief

munnu share in my

oppression from thief

unnu munnu feel my pain

ummu kmow my grief

From blood sucking thieves

I will infinite MAJESTY to infinity I rest not (Finished works at the cross restoration of finished works of the father in the beginning for us loosing by faith}

I work through all of us

to infinity for your peace Meghan

peace to Meghan my baby

peace to Meghan my world

like Xi Jingpin expressed vision "A future imbued with peace and prosperity"

Old USA is just 1/3 of Americas the real America North, central and South tht is one third of the Earth land and seas and for us to be just should have 1/3 of the Earth population 7.3 billion+ of us but missed by now being abandoned and discredited leadership in not welcoming strangers ~ welcoming strangers unaware but sodomizing, thief treated by character destruction to plundering with legal fees immigrants to being less than the highmark of our calling in Kingdom of heaven

Jesus says I have come that all may have life and have it more abundantly but the thief is come to kill destroy to be at liberty stealing bloodsuckers fang dripping our blood saying 'for two and a half centuries in the Americas to the victor goes the spoils' now by these publications being vanquish by the Demegogue president Donald Trump being brought into transformation from mind of antichrist to mind of Christ Loving neighbour as self Christ beheld to infinity of ever to greater Glory

One America policy missed America Not United though the lie making us heathen raging but we like all earth of United Nation, 231 principalities'ism canterworms lost in Flagging of God people have been lesser in God's eyes than China and possessed by 55 demons and devils principalities'ism principalities ~ Jamaica is one, so to Old USA or Canada count them and see the population total if united a mere 982 million and we could have had 'One America Identity' in last 240 year with more equitable Global population density saving us from being bashers of people from Africa and China allowing more prosperous earth for reasons discussed herein these https://majestyshocktrailinchrist.org/ Publications.  

Now it is time for One Earth Seek ye first the Kingdom of God without what we Wrestle against Principalities holy Ghost fire to all these bloodstraws for being exalted above The Kingdom come for being sought first ar any time instead od seek ye first the Kingdom of God,and against powers non-serve all non representative of the Full Body of Serve your master as unto Christ, all for spiritual wickedness in high places perpetuating the rulership of the dark age ~ passed, at this outset onslaught of the Information Age.            All things brought to light where As the wax melt against the son so we let the wicked perish but let the righteous rejoice and be exceedingly glad. God is restoring to us the 'One America opportunities lost that the cankerworms and palmer worms and locus wielded by the abomination of desolation against our fuller God in us mind and ability to lesser than serve all creators and Majesty ~ deprived through us in Luciferianism ~ life more abundantly even in Global US$16,100PPP per capita creation shame of 2105 has stolen.   IN the last days God will pour His Spirit upon all Flesh like being Serve all done here and young man Born again new creation of Jesus identity just by simple belief will have Vision and Old man will have dreams Vision is the one on the tree of life. without vision, we perish. Vision Statement unto enterprise to be all Global or being Abraham seeds { a blessing to all the families of the earth net givers to infinity serve all creator Kings and Lords of whom Jesus is King of serve all Kings like emerging in China and Lord of Celestial Cities Property developers lords like emerging in China more ~ 

not of Luciferian in Satan divide of man to separate from God forever most to anytime - the meaning of 'in all (y)our ways ~ thousands to millions per day acknowledge recoknize the Positive of the word; For Jesus says the words {identity} we speak are spirits him issues of life come that all have life and have it moreabundantly~ We are to be Global like him and by the WORD of Living as we become one with it and loose be it living through even to all always for the greatest prosperity and good health to infinity God's wish that we prosper and be in good health being showed to us by the Holy Spirit as our souls prosper increase in the opposite of what we wrestle against ~ not against flesh and blood but against principalities'ism which is Flagging of people with principality identity denying us being of the kingdom of God come . So principalities with ist national anthem and constitution dung dividing up our identity from the righteousness of God Christ Jesus living to Luciferian ism seeking to displace God from is in the core to his darkness with corruption and death delusions Doctrines or Laws of man exalted in pride but for the strife as in the last 6 millenniums is submission to demon possession actually Duppy or un-Holy Ghost identity characterising the word from out mouth that are not Christ achieving letting all have life and ever life more abundantly but rather having a reality with even the little liven of killing (sucking a soul into perpetuating principalities of belonging into power male'ism, female ism some king of ethnicity ism or partyism any divide other than geography any by looking not as God look God look not at the outward but at the heart only for the heart of Christ effecting life and life more abundantly ever honing creation skills in soul prosperity all a function of the mind of Christ alone in us. As a man thinketh in his heart so in the heart Thinking type creat heart effecting of thoughts Thinking initiate life heart effect it thinking is believe that is being lived by heart as a man thinketh then in his heart effecting action even letting everything that has breath praising and letting all things work together for good to infinity Ever a JEdi so is he Christ Jesus living overcoming the world in infinity of ways Ever a JEdi the life we live Christ Jesus building the house so we do not hearting by deeds even letting all things work together involving all power tools all industrialization all hard and soft power of God supreme authority all Christ Jesus living through us IN Christ full of the Grace of God and Truth revealed or lead to by the Holy Ghost issues of Life to infinity Still Jesus Spirit by whom all things good are made wand without whom nothing was made still words from our mouth or just in our minds of Christ that Christ Jesus Give to us who believe on him,

The kingdom of God is not according to the measures of man but of living souls I write about that in Series #1 2 and 3.1 IN CHRIST.

Consider it for it has always been a Lucifer defiled into our being Doctrine of and for falling man and Globally we are all now transforming for our Ascending to a new Age; to be sons of man, son of God Living souls. Man is defined in many places of the scriptures In the last days man will be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God Man will be ever learning in this information age but never coming to the knowledge of truth except by the Holy ghost received hearing in like this light 'come let us reason for so long missed easy understandings.' Let us be filled with God Spirit only in all of our ways thousands even millions per day ~ our consciousness is now increasing to realise and be Christ only living through us The two spirit don't live simultaneously in the body at the same time ~Two different minds Mind of Christ son of man son of God or mind of Antichrist man The hearts of man is desperately wicked there is none good. Let us understand this to infinity and let us transform and loose the greatest prosperity and good health for all even everlasting life for all IN CHRIST. Paraphrased for our application of Word of God to infinity : Unto him that is able to keep us from falling and is presenting us faultless before almighty God as we press to the high mark of our calling IN CHRIST be Glory {ever to greater Glory} and honor, in all dominion by his authority only Actually per https://biblehub.com/jude/1-24.htm English Standard Version Jude 1 Doxology

Verse 24Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Be Christ to infinity living always or 'in all our ways acknowledge (Prayer) and be {anser being Lived as we behold him so are we - only him.May the force be with you God being magnified in all the earth into His ever-presence Glory in and through all to all Light of the world ever a Jedi It's Global now even better understood We one as Body of Christ God Kingdom Come being loosed on earth by us) yea and understand and live hello to All 7.3 billion+ on earth and in omnipresence. Jesus says the greatest among are who serve all the High mark of our calling IN CHRIST

Re: Congrats on our Anniversary 


Paul Scott and all I am reaching as too like you I hope we all as Abraham seed ~ ever to be a blessing to all the families of the earth now clearly possible if we press to the high mark of our calling in Christ as the china is loosing get done~ Yea even I in "Serve all Mode", I hope you tune in to my new Website as it is being rebuilt majestyshocktrailinchrist.org First post is the 'About us' page also; The new presentation of my effort to effect in to Global force with the Americas and Earth Spring To God Kingdom Us all First seeking first the Kingdom of God come and all His righteousness His will and ways applied to infinity Ever a Jedi being the lives we live Christ Jesus finish work at the cross living through us yea there with all my growing understanding God is giving me in my {our} press to the high mark of our calling in Christ New Earth God Kingdom come See full post shared to all at https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/have-wanting-spoils-donald-trump-jamaica-old-earth-leaders-smith/. All music and every industries functioning are changing. So for success in the arts and I must say any enterprise business, do facilitate and aim for 'serve all' as unto the body of Christ remembered from dismemberment of principalities ism spasm by boundary extortion and lot taxes in strife and pride perpetuating man fall; 

Like best exemplified by China Press to to facilitate Kingdom of God come reach music and every such creation effort henceforth at least matching God raised standard courtesy of China rising and upcoming Americas and Earth Spring To God Kingdom come. No one want anymore Stagnation by such bottlenecking of the dark age passing

causing low per capita creation shame, poverty and mortal culture as now being understood. Even Great China setting new standard for Old USA to match lifting 800 million out of poverty in last 40 years are opening such directioning to Kingdom of God come efforts with Adding Silk Road infrastructure enabling of prosperity for all to match and compliment that We all rather 

Put your best effort to what are press to serve- all with ever to greater Glory Life more abundantly for being serve-all Kings enabling all in serve all.

     and to you and Playmaker Music Group and all I am reaching as too like you I hope we all as Abraham seed ~ ever to be a blessing to all the families of the earth now clearly possible if we press to the high mark of our calling in Christ as the china is loosing get done~ Yea even I in "Serve all Mode", I hope you tune in to my new Website as it is being rebuilt majestyshocktrailinchrist.org First post is the 'About us' page also; The new presentation of my effort to effect in to Global force with the Americas and Earth Spring To God Kingdom Us all First seeking first the Kingdom of God come and all His righteousness His will and ways applied to infinity Ever a Jedi being the lives we live Christ Jesus finish work at the cross living through us yea there with all my growing understanding God is giving me in my {our} press to the high mark of our calling in Christ New Earth God Kingdom come.

'  All music and every industries functioning are changing. So for success in the arts and any enterprise business facilitates mainly serve all as unto the body of Christ remembered from dismemberment of principalities spasm by boundary extortion and lot taxes in strife and pride perpetuating man fall; Press to the Kingdom of God come music and every creation effort henceforth courtesy of China rising and upcoming Americas and Earth Spring To God Kingdom come.  No one wants any more Stagnation by such bottle-necking spasm to serve all creation Life and life ever more abundantly causing

low per capita creation shame poverty and mortal cultute as now being understood.  Even Great China setting new standard for Old USA to match lifting 800 million out of poverty in last 40 yeart are opening such directioning to Kingdom of God come efforts with Adding Silk Road infrastructure enabling of prosperity for all to match and compliment that  We all rather                              



"Jamaica is Beautiful Blessed" Principality goons hiding from their shame says.

At 40 years to October 2017 What Beauty Adam seed time and harvest in the wild, underdevelopment and old relics shit from low per capita shame stagnation in the principalities'ism tropical heat.

Betta must and now is coming

I think all 7.3 billion+ of us will go to China as tourists Transportation on earth will increase to infinity ~ be infinited, ever to Greater Glory. so So expect agitate for do and let us loose it the building the roads and ports and habitations and serve all creation and distribution facilities including sharing these man mind transformation to mind of Christ in us to infinity Ever a JEDi publications of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Property Development and Maintenance Products IN CHRIST Jesus.Org Publications

Now listen~ Please

God intend that to be the case for all dominions on earth Change minds in Jamaica from mind of antichrist to mind of Christ so too for all becoming part of new Earth Borderless cleansed of reliance on being the thief on tree of good and evil get suckers of principalities'ism promote for millenniums now ended a we loose the God Kingdom come

Share MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Property Development & Maintenance Products IN CHRIST Publication on Hub its website being redone share even in redone process share publication in all social Media To the rhythm of this last video MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Music Song words

Net suckers know what dem effort is worth USURY Etorton Block the abundance of fruits from Jah earth and dem modern-day slavery that ave stop work for we a brimstone brilliance as global splurts

Wha unnu a try fe stress we

press we inna first second and third world poverty

Brilli to unnu natty

and curly

through unnu hears

Word of God ever applied to infinity for ...

living by faith


I seem to have to stay right now with crowdfunding by individual purchase for ~ be saved into life & more abundantly by faith in Jesus ~ self and loved ones and friends and all 7.4 billion+ on earth of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST Publications - ' A 3 e-book Bundle' with these over 120 Trailer Posts quickening understanding of e-books content ie discernment in the Spirit lessons, vision for all 7.4 billion+ of us and new earth realities Glorified Church for which Jesus is coming that we are loosing on earth Downloaded from heaVEN LOOSED ON EARTH INto the Real KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Allilujah WHERE THE THIEF DOTH NOT STEAL AND THE MOT DOTH NOT ROTH; Nothing of the thief being loosed on earth anymore NOT EVEN FOR Satanument/GOVERNMENT REVENUE for God to be loosing in A MAN-HELL/heaven. get it.

Reverse Satan to even Lucifer IN CHRIST Christ Jesus reign your kingdom come and all your righteousness your will and ways being ours Oh God Allilujah. we get it ~ A Download from heaven and we loose it ~ Worship In Christ Served-to-all with no inequity. Thank you and Praise God.

There is Series #1. & Series # 3.1 too

Check it to see if in the direction of our care.: ~

Get available now copies:-

from Amazon to your smart devices for knowing is half the battle won.

Best Value for less Deal $10.00 for Bundle for max effectiveness from Easy Digital Downloads from majestyshocktrailinchrist.org Site temporarily down for non-payment of hosting fees

Paypal me $25.00 via paypal.me/shevalanthonysmith

Paypal me $25.00 via https://www.paypal.me/shevalanthonysmith to advance this Ministry if these MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL IN CHRIST Ministry Publications for you all ~ all 7.3 billion+ of us in the press to the high mark of our calling IN CHRIST.

Consider details in Publications~ Are they is in the direction of your care. I need funding and will appreciate your enablement of this Ministry by this gift

Pay Sheval Anthony Smith\MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL...IN CHRIST using PayPal.Me

Go to paypal.me/shevalanthonysmith and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t…

Donate. and enable this Americas and Earth Spring Movement by Majesty Shock trail Music too effective to spur all 7.3 billion+ of us loosing God Kingdom come and all his righteousness His will and ways being the life we live to His good pleasure. It is God will that we prosper and be in good health as our souls live soul prosperity. Not possible s thieves buy as net givers of values for less to infinity served to all enabling all into serve-all mode Christ enemy being made his footstool for his return Millennial reign Jedied of his reign there will be no end.



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