Have too many ideas but not sure how to start writing?
Writing is not a random play of words; it is a feeling that we want to put forward and express ourselves through it. Not just for others but for ourselves as well. As a human, we all have a lot of ideas and a wide array of thoughts that run through our minds, and to put all our ideas forward, we confuse the readers. We get perplexed by little things happening around us and want to put our ideas about it with a different perspective and even clarify the current debate and then we end up having a lot of ideas and not being able to justify all of them because of the confusing web we get in. And as a writer, we have to keep in mind that to reach the mind and hearts of the readers being clear is of utmost importance. So, these are some of my views, I hope they will help you put your ideas forward.
We need to sit with our thoughts before writing something or justifying something about the topic we have in our minds. We should not be afraid of what others think. We need to be clear that if we have an idea and are confident no one can stop us. So be sure of yourself and start writing keeping some things in your mind.
Be clear on the topic
First of all, you should be clear about the topic you are writing, be well-researched, and read about the different sets of ideas available around that topic. This is so that you don’t end up writing something that has already been said or talked about but doesn’t do research, limit it to the first 1–2 pages of a google search. Your ideas have to be different and unique to attract viewers to your piece and create a buzz. Talk about things that you believe need immediate attention and talk about something that not a lot of people are talking about.
When we are clear about our idea and know what needs to be discussed, then only we should start writing and go slowly about it. We do not want to do things in haste just to get big chaos in the end. So, planning things and creating a detailed outline of what you are going to write is the first step toward a beautiful piece. Reading while writing helps a lot. By this method, we get a clear and concise piece.
Do not lose focus whilst you write
Another approach we can take up while writing is typing everything in a fast-forward way while cutting down each point that we cover from our notepad where we have all the pointers. It will ensure the flow of our writing and the fact that we are covering everything as well. This may make us devote a little more time to proofreading and arranging things, but some people can’t get the same creativity if they are not writing continuously. So, work at your own pace but try to plan about stuff at the start itself.
Keep yourself prepared
Ensure that you sit down with whatever you need, may it be your favourite coffee, a set of extra pens, your PC, or a laptop charger. These things may seem trivial but are essential because sometimes it happens that we start having a craving for coffee, our laptop gets discharged, and our pen stops working, which leads to a lot of frustration, and no one wants that kind of frustration while writing. Writing needs a lot of focus, creativity, and frustration doesn’t help during these times so be equipped with your vital arsenals and you are all set for victory and ready to conquer this little battle of words.
Look up to peers or experts
You can even refer to some people whom you believe will have some ideas. They can be people from all walks of life and will help you gain a perspective from an audience point of view. They will even help you to streamline the ideas you have by the way they talk about things. You will get a general idea of something that a lot of people talk about and then you can keep your piece about it only rather than running through points that people wouldn’t want to even run by.
Get a final review
And lastly, I know you would want to be a little packet of surprise by writing and putting it out for everyone to read but ensure that before sending it out you send it to a friend or maybe someone who can?help you?because he can tell you as an audience what can be altered or added to it. It will help you improve and enable you to bring out your ideas in a more beautiful way.
Just a friendly reminder be clear, be confident, and win it because you have got what it takes to be a writer because we all have ideas, and channelizing them to the world makes the world stronger and exposed to your ideas. We can be a great resource by giving our view. But remember, do not hurt anyone while keeping your point because there are always two sides to a coin, and we may or may not know the whole picture. So, we should only present views that do not have hatred but can help people open their minds. And once you get in the flow not only will you be a phenomenal writer, but your ideas will be clearer whatever they are about even about life in general.
“You learn through what you go through.”
“We can do some great things without even knowing, so yes you have got some superpowers.”
“Be sure about yourself, your mind will follow, and your words will flow”
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Writer: Saloni Jain