Everyone is talking about the Super Bowl. I don’t want to talk about the Super Bowl.
Instead, how is your super day? How have you challenged yourself to be on your game as father, mother , friend, brother, sister, colleague, golf partner, tennis partner or whatever your role may be? What is your focus today? Quarterback your success.
A coach once challenged me to be “in the moment”, be present. My work with THE ONE THING has challenged my ability to focus, avoid distractions and interruptions, and create a space and mindset that accomplishes the work I need to do. Research tells us that 33% of our day can be lost to distraction, interruptions and piles of work indicating multitasking disaster.
This morning it struck me that my piles are signs of my tasks that get started but not completed. Hence, I am surrounded by multitasking with incomplete projects stacked around me. So, this Super Bowl for me will be the challenge of choosing the ONE THING that I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or not necessary. I can quarterback my SUCCESS ! I can focus and be present. Have the best super bowl ever in your life. It starts today.