Have Spiritual Breakthroughs Now
Dr. John B. Charnay
Foremost Fundraising & PR Authority; Super-Networker/Super-Connector; Philanthropy Advisor; Leading Job Search Expert
Here’s How To Have A Spiritual Breakthrough:
Spend some quiet time alone.
Set an intention for manifestation of a breakthrough.
Expect a spiritual breakthrough.
Ask to be shown the next steps.
Go on purposeful tangents..
Ask new and different questions.
Examine the problem from a different angle.
Assume the problem you are solving is not the real problem.
Discover other paths toward a solution.
Take your mind and thinking on field trips.
Deliberately go outside your comfort zones.
See what you can find in new places. Go out there and look for yourself.
Listen actively to everyone you can.
Always believe that something wonderful is happening.
Cultivate knowing that you will always receive your desired outcome.
Realize expectancy is the key to manifestation.
Combine your strong expectancy and absolute belief with a great amount of desire.
Avoid self-doubt.
Overlook previous experiences where you did not get what you wanted.
Avoid fears.
Avoid losing focus: taking your mind off the objective you want, and forgetting that you are expecting it to happen.
Use self-hypnosis, visualization, autosuggestion, hypnosis, brain reprogramming and other techniques to help you get rid of negative beliefs and allow you to maintain a positive attitude of belief and expectancy.
Live with a constant expectancy of only the best happening or coming to you.
Expect only the best.
Believe there are great divine plans for your life.
Fix your self-talk.
Avoid limited thinking.
If you are stuck and unable to get to the next level in life that is a sign that your beliefs need to change.
Every thought you are thinking contributes to the life you are living so be careful about each of your thoughts!
Think big and don’t doubt.
Know that amazing opportunities and blessings are open to you.
Realize that as you walk by faith you are unleashing a supernatural dynamic where you will experience miraculous breakthroughs by expanding your capacity for blessings to flow.
Engage in persistent prayer.
Maintain faith.
Pray with faith and confidence.
Alignment with divine will.
Have patience and persistence.
Practice forgiveness of yourself and others.
Do good works.
Trust your voice of intuition within.
Speak the right words and declare divine promises are at work no matter how your life or circumstances or situation look now.
Be sure to ask long enough with fervent, reverent, persistent, passionate, prevailing prayer.
Always persevere in prayer until the breakthrough comes.
Maintain deep spiritual devotion.
Never lose heart; never give up; pray, until you are granted the breakthroughs you seek.
Strive to reach a higher level of spirituality.
Seek to gain a deeper understanding of spiritual truth.
Pray for wisdom.
Each day be grateful to awaken to a new day, a new beginning, a new adventure, and to the continued unfolding of your divine nature.
Know that Unconditional Love is your source and your supply.
Know that your High Self gives you everything that you need.
Be willing to accept & receive.
Stay open.
Be always grateful--even in advance.
Do daily positive affirmative prayers.
Engage daily in creative visualizations.
Learn to use positive affirmations daily.
Make and use a vision board.
Honor your inner feelings.
Take time out for reflection.
Practice gratitude with a gratitude journal.
Play upbeat music.
Do good deeds daily.
Have a daily spiritual practice.
Have a daily mindfulness & meditation practice.
Join a spiritual community.
Find a peaceful space for yourself.
Read inspirational motivational quotes daily.
Take a daily meditational walk.
Perform a random act of kindness daily.
Focus upon what you love in your life.
Live fully in the present moment.
Be true to your authentic self.
Never sweat the big stuff or the small stuff.
Do something every day that forces you out of your comfort zone.
Be grateful & express gratitude any chance you can, and lots of it.
Listen to your inner voice.
Let go of fear and doubt.
Let your authentic true self show itself.
Follow your bliss.
Pursue your dreams.
Take time to reflect.
Value your loved ones.
Spend time with people you love.
Learn to laugh at yourself.
Don’t take everyone & everything so seriously.
Don’t worry about what other people think.
Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
Write down your life vision and mission.
Be true to your authentic self.
Watch your words whenever you speak.
Stay humble & avoid being arrogant.
Learn from the wisdom of others.
Avoid naysayers & gossipers always.
Cultivate patience. Lots of it.
Walk your talk.
Keep your word.
Know that some things are beyond your control.
Practice mindfulness.
Trust your intuition.
Be a giver.
Create a life you totally love now.
Stop doubting your true greatness & spiritual magnificence.
Realize you have the power to create an awesome life by learning to shape your dominant thought patterns to be consistently super-positive ones.
Help & love others always.
Be compassionate and kind.
Live a good, honorable life.
Practice compassion & empathy.
Be generous & altruistic.
Give back.
Pay it forward.
Strive to make a difference & have a great legacy.
Always hold pure happy thoughts just for the joy of it.
See yourself as unconditional love.
Appreciate the good things that everyone does.
Stay in the present moment with yourself and others.
Pray as if prayer is your lifeline.
Utilize your imagination for transformation.
Meditate upon and memorize memorable spiritual writings.?
Offer up a sacrifice of praise.
Believe in miracles.
Hire a spiritual life coach to advise, guide & inspire you.
P.S. Anything else YOU would add?
The author, Dr. John B. Charnay, CEO of Charnay and Associates in greater Los Angeles, is a leading spiritual life coach. He has extensive experience teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels at leading universities throughout the greater Los Angeles area, including USC, UCLA, CSUN, FIDM, Woodbury and Pepperdine and others. Additionally, he is a top fundraising, public relations and social media advisor. To meet him and ask for his support, invite him to be LinkedIn (email in profile) and contact him today!