The Have and Have Nots
The Have and Have Nots
Posted by Kalika Yap an hour ago
Hello Boss!
Do you get swept up in the relentless pursuit of your own progress and the chaotic cyclone of your personal checklists?
As we hide behind tiny screens and hunker down behind closed doors, we gradually lose our sense of community as we numb ourselves in isolation and individualism.
On the tiny island of Tokelau, one of the world’s most remote archipelagos, individualism isn’t an option.
Comprised of three tropically idyllic coral atolls— you need to take a 36-hour boat ride from Samoa just to get there and wait five days for the ship to return back.
There’s one hotel and an annual capital of $1,000.
While Tokelau may have the smallest economy in the world, they practice one of the biggest embodiments of the community called inati (sharing).
Every day, fresh catch is laid on the shore and the village council (taupelega) distributes it out to those who need it most.
Everyone on the island works together, with those who have -- happily --- helping those who have not.
You don’t need to be from Tokelau to embrace inati.
Start by looking and sharing locally.
Can you donate furniture, clothing and shoes to a shelter for women and children of domestic violence? Can you make a meal for an elderly neighbor?
Can you make a difference in other people’s lives with the skills and talents you have?
Practice inati over individualism and feel your heart soar.
Take a moment to realize how lucky you are to be in the position to offer help.
Share your bounty. Give away something you value to appreciate how lucky you are.
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This book is a classic and has been suggested to me by other entrepreneurs to read it several times over the past two decades that I've been an entrepreneur. I picked it up recently after Jed Daly, a Vistage Chair (Excellence Award recipient) told me this was one of his top five books.
Teams that are lacking trust are incapable of having unfiltered, passionate debate about things that matter, causing team members to avoid conflict, replacing it with an artificial harmony. In a work setting where team members do not openly express their opinions, inferior decisions are often the result. When working in teams you need to understand that conflict is productive.
This is a must-read book for entrepreneurs.