Have a Nice Day
Agatha Hergest, BA
Your creative link - actress, artist, nude model, writer and composer. Add some pizzazz to your business!
There are many who recoil in horror at the cliche'd American pleasantry which emanates from service types the length of the country.
Probably because it is a cliche, which suggests that the person saying it does so just because it's expected. But then, so are please and thank you also hallmarks of civilised, sociable people. And what could be more sociable than to think well of our fellows and to wish them only good things? Certainly, that's what the wisdom of maturity has gifted me with, amongst many other things, and I am much the happier for it.
Of course, there are people I don't get along with: there are also some people I wouldn't want to meet in a crowded theatre let alone a dark alley - we all have our preferences, our foibles - but the best way of dealing with them is to not deal with them unless absolutely necessary. Most people, though, are just like you and me, with their faults, aye, but also their likes, their loves, their desire to do the best they can for themselves and those they care about - and there's beauty enough to rejoice about in that. And yes, there are those who would bury the living to enrich the dead, these are often thus because they know no other way - they were taught by the school of hard knocks to pay it forward.
By all means, darling, be cautious in your dealings as your good sense would suggest - but also be kind. Be kind to everyone, as a matter of course. Give people the benefit of the doubt, within the paradigm we have explored, and you'll be surprised.
You know, it's a great sport with me, when dealing with call-centre staff who ask me if there is anything else they can do for me, to always say yes. Then, when they are expecting me to instruct them on some task to my benefit, I just ask that they have a beautiful day/weekend/week/whatever occurs to me at the time. The reaction is usually very warm, and I get gratification from having brightened their day and a hope that, having heightened their mood, they will be that much better in their service to their next caller, and thus done a little to enhance the reputation of the company they represent and of which I am a client. It costs me nothing but the effects are priceless.
In my forthcoming book, Think Yourself Lucky, I go into more detail about the how and the why of vibrational philosophy and how it ties in with cutting-edge scientific thought - which, ironically, was well-enough known to the ancients. But until that book comes out, have a nice day.