Have More Fun
I boarded a plane yesterday in Atlanta and, as I was walking through First Class to my not-First Class seat, I witnessed a heartwarming scene.
A thirty-something dad was wearing a cap that said, "Have More Fun." I smiled at the sentiment, agreeing wholeheartedly.
His toddler was sitting on his lap, and they were engaged in some kind of diversion that I didn't register. On the boy's empty seat were a small blanket and a brown rabbit stuffed animal.
Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun.
I did not grow up with a dad like that. And my dad had lot of caps, but the one that I remember most is, "Redneck."
While our families of origin have a tremendous influence on us, that is not the final word...especially if that influence was not positive, even hurtful.
We are part of an evolving creative universe, and we have the potential to co-create whatever beautiful, fun life we can imagine.