Have hundreds of inventions that need patenting. Which service is recommended?
My life is completely wrapped up with Futurific Inc., Foundation for Optimism.
As Editor in Chief/Publisher of our 42 year old monthly magazine Futurific Leading Indicators, inventions occur to me that I can't take time to deal with. Some have been published in NASA Tech Briefs sponsored CREATETHEFUTUREDESIGN competition, but since they come to me almost daily, and I'm 74 years old, I'm looking for a service that could take on the whole package and run with it.
Any suggestion? Please let me know at [email protected].
Not looking to deal with individual inventions or firms wanting to handle only one invention.
Also: If your firm needs something invented, I can usually comply.
This is purely to improve life on the planet, save lives and help people live a longer, healthier life.