Have Hope
Nothing brightens the day more than anticipation. It quickens the heart and sets the soul aflame. It gives courage "to bear those ills we have." Anticipation guards every day against dullness and despair. It bridges our adversities.
Man is a creature of hope; our world is a place of hope; and the person without it is a misfit. There are no hopeless situations; only hopeless people make situations appear hopeless. Hope never says, "Let's quit." Though the night is dark, hope knows that every day has a morning. Hope gives an easier today, for it anticipates a better tomorrow.
Johann Christoph "Have hope. Though clouds environ now, and gladness hides her face in scorn, Put thou the shadow from they brow - No night but hath its morn."
Job 11:18 You will be secure, because there is hope you will look about you and take your rest in safety.
Today Is Mine Leroy Brownlow