Have a G.R.E.A.T. December!

Have a G.R.E.A.T. December!

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I am getting ready for Christmas and the Holidays.

Yesterday, I posted on Response Ability. The day before, I posted on 12 Ideas for Growth and Success. Then, just a few minutes ago, I accepted a challenge within my College where I teach, to join the "Christmas Cookie Credit Challenge". With this challenge, for every 15 minutes of activity a day, one gets a cookie credit, and the chance at some prizes. More to follow. :-)

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Going G.R.E.A.T.

Yeah, I am getting ready for The Season. I love this time of year.

I detach from the commercial and get to the sacred.

Well, all of this got me thinking.

Some years ago, I found myself tweaking the SMART goal system as I had some of my own concerns around the order of the elements in particular. I created G.R.E.A.T. goals:

  • GOAL. Identify a clear, specific and measurable goal.
  • RELEVANCE. Get abundantly and deeply clear on why that goal must happen. Do not go past this point, until you understand the WHY cognitively and emotionally. This is your motivation, and crucial.
  • EXECUTION. Identify 3 daily activities you will religiously execute on to reach your goal. Get very clear and specific on same.
  • ANALYSIS. Identify at least 1-2 ways you will measure and analyze progress.
  • TIME. Set a clear, line in the sand, deadline.
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I essentially did this at the beginning of setting my nine milestone goals for my birthday back last February ... for achievement by February 2020.

The results have been significant with major progress on 7 of the 9; but some slowness on the 8th and 9th... and the most important of all. I have made some progress on the language training but strategically decided to move such to January, given all of the other work committed. Still, the health thing needs attention, now.

My GREAT Health Goal

My health road is foundational to all of the others in so very many ways (another "relevance") and yet has seen the slowest of progress (yet there is progress). With so much work on so much more of the goals, I have found myself too tired (too often) to work on exercise. That changes in December. So, I am going GREAT for December.

  • GOAL. 18,000 steps minimum per day, walking.
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  • RELEVANCE. That kind of momentum will demand of me that I eat and drink better, and will show the quickest and greatest feedback, leading up to February 20, 2020. Utilizing my Foxhole Gym and my music will make this like the coolest and most fierce training camp.
  • EXECUTION. I will walk at least 6,000 steps at 6 am, another 6,000 during the day, and another 6,000 at night... minimum.
  • ANALYSIS. I have already established a daily calendar on the gym wall to record each day. I will mark the steps in each day, tallying as I go (another motivation).
  • TIME. December 31, 2019 will be the deadline, having walked a minimum of 558.000 steps in December alone.

This would (combined with my steps for October 25 through November 30... of some approximately 225,000) bring me up to 783,000 steps by December 31. With another 18,000 per day in January and February (by the 20th), it would give me in excess of 1.7 million steps... and advance the achievement of my goal for weight and strength.

Two hours of dedicated walking at morn and eventide, with some 6,000 steps during the day. Do-able. And GREAT. Such will kick start these last 3 months heading for birthday. I must reach this health goal. So much of my life rides on it; not for image but sustenance. I want the Endurance that a healthy and strong body will give; and indeed the work that achieving it will provide.

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These milestone goals matter. They deeply matter. And the health goal sets the foundation for manifesting everything else. Understanding that is core to success. Getting real on that is fundamental.

So, and for you, what is one GREAT goal you could set to achieve in December? However, you celebrate this time of year (or don't), how can you make it a GREAT December? Line it up, and race ya!

Oh, and as to the cookie credits? Every credit I get will go to having cookies for the friends and kids in my life on my next birthday. At essentially 3 hours a day of walking (12 cookie credits per day), I will have some 372 cookie credits. Mmmmmm.

Peace, passion and prosperity...

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Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage


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AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...


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