Have a first-mover advantage in PPPs!
On December 5, President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. finally signed into law the "Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Act of the Philippines" or RA 11966.
This new code changes the legal landscape where the private sector can collaborate with government for infrastructure and development projects. This integrates various PPP schemes at the national and local government levels; streamlines requirements, procedures and regulatory approvals for all PPP projects; clarifies ambiguities in the existing BOT Law; and improves ease of doing business for PPPs.
The Center for Global Best Practices invites everyone to join this MCLE-accredited training:
Effective April 6, 2024
1:00 to 5:00PM | Thursday, June 13, 2024
EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, PH
In this half-day training session, we will walk you through these provisions and give you a clearer view of the new opportunities and challenges the law brings.
In addition, we will answer your questions including:
— What are the PPP schemes?
— Must all PPP projects
— national and local
— be approved by NEDA?
— Are unsolicited proposals still allowed?
— What are the forms of allowable government undertakings, contribution and support for PPP projects?
— Are contract variations allowed?
— What is the role of the PPP Center? Learn, unlearn and relearn PPPs under the new act. Register now!
He is a PPP law professor and lecturer, PPP Law-for-All Advocate and author. He has conducted more than 400 lectures on PPPs and developed a PPP template ordinance which has been adopted by more than 120 LGUs.
He is a law professor and a bar reviewer on Administrative Law and Local Government Law.
His previous government positions include Acting Secretary of Justice, Acting Solicitor General, Government Corporate Counsel, and Chairman of the Board of the Philippine Reclamation Authority, the infrastructure development authority focused on reclamation.
TRAINING INVESTMENT* (inclusive of meals, resource kit & certificate of completion):
? 5,980 — for those registering and paying BEFORE May 13
? 6,980 — for those registering and paying AFTER May 13
a) Add Php 450 for a printed copy of a certificate of attendance inclusive of delivery charge
b) Add ?500 for MCLE Activity Fee for LAWYERS who want to earn MCLE credit units from this training
Registration is open to the general public. A MUST for:
? NGAs, LGUs, GOCCs, GIs, GFIs, SUCs, LUCs, Local Economic Enterprises
? Private Sector Proponents and Business Owners
? Contractors
? Law and Consultancy Firms
? NGOs and Foundations
? Members of the Academe
? Funding and Donor Agencies
? Anyone interested in the topic.
You may also find this other PPP-related topic of interest:
1:30PM | Wednesday & Thursday, August 28 & 29, 2024
? Best Practices in Fast Tracking the Implementation of Government Infrastructure and Other Capital Outlay Projects
Note: CGBP is an accredited training provider of the Civil Service Commission; Career Executive Service Board; LoGo TRI-PhilNet (a DILG – LGA recognized National Association of Local Resource Institutions); Governance Commission for GOCCs; Supreme Court for MCLE and other regulatory agencies.
Government funds to be used in these training programs will not be covered by Philippine Procurement Law or RA 9184 based on its Revised IRR’s Section 4.5-b which classifies training and seminars as non-procurement activities.
DBM circular 563 issued on April 22, 2016 also exempts public officials and government employees from the Php 2,000-limit per day on training fees.
CGBP also offers in-house training and consulting for individuals and institutions. For details and to enroll, visit www.cgbp.org.
Contact Person:
Aiza Cuenca
Program Leader
Mobile: (+63 998) 510-3748
Landline (+63 2) 8842-7148 or 59