Hattie’s Meta-Analysis Madness: The Method is Missing !!! (Part III of III)
Howie Knoff, Ph.D.
School Improvement, School Discipline/Behavior Interventions (PBS/SEL), and MTSS Multi-Tiered Services Expert/Consultant
Why Hattie’s Research is a Starting-Point, but NOT the End-Game for Effective Schools
[CLICK HERE for the Full Version of this Blog]
This three-part series is focusing on how states, districts, schools, and educational leaders make decisions regarding what services, supports, programs, curricula, instruction, strategies, and interventions to implement in their classrooms. Recognizing that we need to use programs that have documented efficacy and the highest probability of implementation success, it has nonetheless been my experience that many programs are chosen “for all the wrong reasons”—to the detriment of students, staff, and schools.
Part I of this Blog Series
In Part I of this series (posted on August 26th) was titled: The Top Ten Ways that Educators Make Bad, Large-Scale Programmatic Decisions: The Hazards of ESEA/ESSA’s Freedom and Flexibility at the State and Local Levels.
[CLICK HERE for the Link to this Blog]
It discussed the fact that, under the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA/ESSA), districts and schools will have more freedom—but greater responsibility—to evaluate, select, and implement their own ways of functionally addressing all students’ academic and social, emotional, and behavioral learning and instructional needs—across a multi-tiered continuum that extends from core instruction to strategic response and intensive intervention.
This Blog then described the “Top Ten” reasons why educational leaders make flawed large-scale, programmatic decisions—that waste time, money, and resources; and that frustrate and cause staff and student resistance and disengagement.
By self-reflecting on these flawed approaches, the hope is that educational leaders will avoid these hazards, and make their district- or school-wide programmatic decisions in more effective ways.
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Part II of this Blog Series
Part II of this series (posted on September 9th) was titled: “Scientifically based” versus “Evidence-based” versus “Research-based”—Oh my!!! Making Effective Programmatic Decisions: Why You Need to Know the History and Questions Behind these Terms.
[CLICK HERE for the Link to this Blog]
It provided the history and definitions (where present) of the terms “scientifically based” versus “evidence-based” versus “research-based.” Based on ESEA/ESSA, it was concluded that the term and definition “evidence-based” is now the federal “go-to” term when districts and schools need to evaluate the empirical efficacy of programs, curricula, strategies, and interventions.
This Blog then went on to recommend a series of questions that educational leaders should ask when told that a program, strategy, or intervention is scientifically based, evidence-based, or research-based.
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Today’s Discussion: John Hattie and Meta-Analyses
Professor John Hattie has been the Director of the Melbourne Educational Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia, since March 2011. His research interests include performance indicators, models of measurement, and the evaluation of teaching and learning. He is best known for his books Visible Learning (2009) and Visible Learning for Teachers (2012).
Anchoring these books is Hattie’s critical review of thousands of published research studies in six areas that contribute to student learning: student factors, home factors, school factors, curricular factors, teacher factors, and teaching and learning factors. Using those studies that met his criteria for inclusion, Hattie pooled the effect sizes from these individual studies, conducted different series of meta-analyses, and rank ordered the positive to negative effects of over a hundred approaches—again, related to student learning outcomes.
In Visible Learning, for example, Hattie described 138 rank ordered influences on student learning and achievement based on a synthesis of more than 800 meta-studies covering more than 80 million students. In his subsequent research, the list of effects was expanded (in Visible Learning for Teachers), and now (2016), the list—based on more than 1,200 meta-studies—includes 195 effects and six “super-factors.” All of this research reflects one of the largest integrations of “what works best in education” available.
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What is a Meta-Analysis?
A meta-analysis is a statistical procedure that combines the effect sizes from separate studies that have investigated common programs, strategies, or interventions. The procedure results in a pooled effect size that provides a more reliable and valid “picture” of the program or intervention’s usefulness or impact, because it involves more subjects, more implementation trials and sites, and (usually) more geographic and demographic diversity. Typically, an effect size of 0.40 is used as the “cut-score” where effect sizes above 0.40 reflect a “meaningful” impact.
Significantly, when the impact (or effect) of a “treatment” is consistent across separate studies, a meta-analysis can be used to identify the common effect. When effect sizes differ across studies, a meta-analysis can be used to identify the reason for this variability.
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Meta-analytic research typically follows some common steps. These involve:
· Identifying the program, strategy, or intervention to be studied
· Completing a literature search of relevant research studies
· Deciding on the selection criteria that will be used to include an individual study’s empirical results
· Pulling out the relevant data from each study, and running the statistical analyses
· Reporting and interpreting the meta-analytic results
As with all research, there are a number of subjective decisions embedded in meta-analytic research, and thus, there are good and bad meta-analytic studies.
Indeed, as emphasized throughout this three-part series, educational leaders cannot assume that “all research is good because it is published,” and they cannot assume that even “good” meta-analytic research is applicable to their communities, schools, staff, and students.
And so, educational leaders need to independently evaluate the results of any reported meta-analytic research—including research discussed by Hattie—before accepting the results.
Below are the questions that educational leaders should ask when reviewing (or when told about the results from) meta-analytic studies that investigated specific programs, strategies, and/or interventions.
[CLICK HERE to read the Full Blog that provides extensive discussion for each of these Questions.]
· Did the different studies included in a meta-analysis (that investigated a specific program, strategy, or intervention) use similar implementation steps or protocols?
· Are the variables investigated, by a meta-analytic study, variables that are causally- versus correlationally-related to student learning, and can they be taught to a parent, teacher, or administrator?
· In conducting the literature review for a single meta-analysis, did the researchers consider (and control for) the potential of a “publication bias?”
· What were the selection criteria used by the author of the meta-analysis to determine which individual studies would be included in the analysis, and were these criteria reliably and validly applied? (In other words, was a “selection bias” embedded in the research?)
· Were the best statistical methods used in the meta-analysis? Did one or two large-scale or large-effect studies outweigh the results of other small-scale, small-participant studies that also were included? Did the researcher’s conclusions match the actual statistical results from the meta-analysis?
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The “ultimate point” in asking (and answering) these Questions is that—as with any research study—we need to know if the meta-analytic research results and interpretations (resulting from an investigation of any program, strategy, or intervention) are sound.
And yet, I know that many educational leaders, at this point in our “conversation,” are probably wondering (maybe, in frustration), “Why can’t I just ‘trust the experts?’” or “How do I do all of this?”
And I do feel your pain...
But the “short answer” to the first question (as noted in the earlier two Blogs in this series) is that “blind trust” may result in adopting a program that does not succeed; that wastes a great deal of time, training, money, and materials; and that undermines student success and staff confidence.
The “short answer” to the second question is that these questions should be posed to the researcher or the person who is advocating a “meta-analytically-proven” program. Let them show you the studies and reveal the drilled-down data that is (presumably) at the foundation of their recommendation.
But. . . in addition. . . please recognize that many school districts have well-qualified professionals (either in-house, at a nearby university, in the community/region, or virtually on-line) with the research and analysis background to “vet and validate” programs, strategies, and interventions of interest.
Use these resources.
The “front-end” time in well-evaluating a program will virtually always save enormous amounts of “back-end” time when an ineffectively researched or chosen program is actually implemented.
In the final analysis, educational leaders need to invest in “high probability of success” programs. Anything less is irresponsible.
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But There’s More: The Method is Missing
But. . . there IS more . . . even when the meta-analytic research is sound.
As alluded to above. . . just because we know that a program, strategy, or intervention significantly impacts student learning, we do not necessarily know the implementation steps that were in the research studies used to calculate the significant effect . . . and we cannot assume that all or most of the studies used the same implementation steps.
To get to the point where we know exactly what implementation steps to replicate and functionally use in our schools and with our staff and students (to get the benefit of a particular effect), we (again) need to “research the research.”
Case in point. Below are Hattie’s current “Top Twenty” approaches that have the strongest effects on student learning and achievement:
Teacher estimates of achievement
Collective teacher efficacy
Self-Reported Grades
Piagetian Programs
Conceptual change programs
Response to intervention
Teacher credibility
Micro teaching
Cognitive task analysis
Classroom discussion
Interventions for LD
Teacher clarity
Reciprocal teaching
Providing formative evaluations
Creativity programs
Concept mapping
Problem solving teaching
Classroom behavior
After reviewing these. . . OK . . . I’ll admit it. As a reasonably experienced school psychologist, I have no idea what that vast majority of these approaches are at a functional level. . . much less what implementation steps to recommend.
To begin to figure it out, I would first go back to Hattie, and look at a Glossary (for example, from Visible Learning for Teachers, 2012) that explains the research reflected in the effect sizes for the approaches he has rank-ordered.
Example 1: Self-Reported Grades
One of Hattie’s Super Factors, “Self-Reported Grades.” For this effect, the Glossary linked above provides the following information:
Self-reported grades are at the top of all influences. Children are the most accurate when predicting how they will perform. Hattie explains that if he could write his book Visible Learning for Teachers again, he would re-name this learning strategy, “Student Expectations” to express more clearly that this strategy involves the teacher finding out what are the student’s expectations, and pushing the learner to exceed these expectations. Once a student has performed at a level that is beyond their own expectations, he or she gains confidence in his or her learning ability.
Example for Self-reported grades: Before an exam, ask your class to write down what mark the student expects to achieve. Use this information to engage the student to try to perform even better.
As alluded to in the Questions above, and as defined here, a student’s Self-Reported Grades cannot be changed by having a classroom teacher “do an intervention.” If students’ beliefs about their prospective grades are inaccurate, their teachers might be able to provide them with more data or feedback and, thus, change their accuracy. But what happens if students accurately state that they are going to fail a test . . . and they do?
How will that change their motivation or proficiency in the future?
Or, what if students underestimate their grades on a test, and perform better than expected? How will this necessarily improve these students’ motivation such that they master more material in the future? Perhaps the underestimate and then the “better-than-expected grades” will lull these students into believing that they are “doing enough” to get good grades . . . they just didn’t realize it before?
Herein lies the danger.
In order to use Hattie’s results, we need to know his definition of Self-Reported Grades, the research that was integrated into the meta-analysis, whether the variable can be externally influenced (e.g., through a teacher’s intercession or intervention), and then the explicit, scientifically-based methodology needed to effect the change.
None of these conditions are immediately or functionally apparent from a rank-ordered list of meta-analytic effect sizes.
And, there is no single consultant or “anointed” group of consultants who “hold the keys” to operationalizing Hattie’s statistics into student success.
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But let’s take two more Hattie factors/approaches to further demonstrate that “The Method is Missing.”
Response to Intervention and Comprehensive Interventions for Learning Disabled Students
Response to Intervention, once again, is one of Hattie’s Super Factors.
The Glossary defines Response to Intervention as “an educational approach that provides early, systematic assistance to children who are struggling in one or many areas of their learning. RTI seeks to prevent academic failure through early intervention and frequent progress measurement.” In Visible Learning for Teachers, Hattie devotes one paragraph to Response to Intervention—citing seven generic “principles.”
Hattie’s meta-analysis of the research that he categorized as “Comprehensive Interventions for Learning Disabled Students” resulted in one of the five top effect sizes relative to impacting student learning and achievement.
In the cited Glossary, it was noted that:
The presence of learning disability can make learning to read, write, and do math especially challenging. Hattie admits that “it would be possible to have a whole book on the effects of various interventions for students with learning disabilities” (Hattie 2009), and he references a 1999 meta-study.
To improve achievement teachers must provide students with tools and strategies to organize themselves as well as new material; techniques to use while reading, writing, and doing math; and systematic steps to follow when working through a learning task or reflecting upon their own learning. Hattie also discusses studies that found that “all children benefited from strategy training; both those with and those without intellectual disabilities.”
Once again—for BOTH of these approaches, there is no specificity. Moreover, NO ONE reading Hattie’s books would have a clue as to where to begin the implementation process for either.
More specifically: Response to Intervention is not a single, replicable intervention.
Many different researchers have defined it, its components, its implementation processes, and its applicability (for example, to literacy, math, language arts, behavior) in many different ways.
And so. . . from Hattie’s research, one would conclude that this is a worthwhile area to research when students are academically struggling or presenting with challenging behavior. But, one would have to analyze the specific research for their area of student concern.
More specifically: Hattie describes “Comprehensive Interventions for Learning Disabled Students” in the plural.
And so. . . from Hattie’s research, which learning disabilities are did his meta-analytic studies address? What were the interventions? At what age and level of severity did the interventions work with students? And, how was “success” defined and measured?
As Hattie himself noted. . . he could write a book just in this area (and some esteemed educators have).
But once again, while it is important to know that some interventions for learning disabled students work, one would have to answer the questions immediately above, know the research-to-practice in a specific area of disability, and have the consultation skills to help teachers implement these interventions “in real time.”
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I want to make it clear that this Blog is NOT questioning Hattie’s research in any way.
Hattie has made many astounding contributions to our understanding of the research in areas that impact student learning and the school and schooling process.
However, consistent with the theme of the three Blogs in this series, I AM expressing concerns—and, hopefully, providing good guidance—as to how educational leaders need to analyze, understand, use, and make systems-level decisions based on school and psychoeducational research. . . research that varies in both quality and utility.
Indeed, educational leaders need to:
· Go beyond “testimonials” and “hearsay” when programs, strategies, or interventions are recommended by others
· Ask the questions and collect the information and data needed to objectively determine that a “recommended” program or intervention is independently responsible for the student outcomes that are purported and reported
· Determine if there is enough objective data to demonstrate that the “recommended” program or intervention is appropriate for the educational leader’s own students, and if it will potentially result in the same positive and expected outcomes
· Determine if the resources needed to implement the program are time- and cost-effective relative to the program’s “return-on-investment”
· Determine if the “recommended” program or intervention will be acceptable to those involved (e.g., students, staff, administrators, parents) such that they are motivated to implement it with integrity and over an extended period of time
After these steps, as they actually implement a new program or strategy, educational leaders need to:
· Identify the short- and long-term “success indicators” of these programs specifically for their schools or with their students;
· Conduct pilot tests before scaling up to whole-school or system-wide implementation;
· Identify and use sensitive formative evaluation approaches that detect—as quickly as possible—programs that are not working; and
· Maintain an “objective, data-driven perspective” regardless of how much they want to program to succeed.
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As noted numerous times across the three Blogs: I fully understand how challenging it is for districts and schools to analyze the research related to the empirical efficacy of a specific program, strategy, or intervention. I also recognize—as a practitioner who works in the schools—their limited time and more limited resources.
And I agree that districts and schools should be able to trust the “national experts”—from their national associations, to their departments of education, to their published journals—in this regard.
But testimonials do not qualify as research, and—unfortunately—some “research” is published in the absence of impartiality.
We need to be careful.
In the end, schools and districts should not invest time, money, professional development, supervision, or other resources in programs that have not been fully validated for use with their students and/or staff.
Such investments are not fair to anyone—especially when they become counterproductive by (a) not delivering the needed results, (b) leaving students further behind, and/or (c) creating staff resistance to “the next program”—which might, parenthetically, be the “right” program.
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I hope that this discussion has been useful to you.
As always, I look forward to your comments. . . whether on-line or via e-mail.
I hope that your school year continues to be successful. We are still thinking about those in the greater Houston area and across Florida. . . and now, in Puerto Rico and across the Caribbean.
If I can help you in any of the areas discussed during this Blog series, I am always happy to provide a free one-hour consultation conference call to help you clarify your needs and directions on behalf of your students, staff/colleagues, school(s), and district.
What do you think?
Educational leader
7 年John Hattie is rightfully a well-respected researcher and his thoughts on teachers improving through 'collective expertise' are insightful and ring true in my experience. However, his lists of effect sizes are often casually 'thrown' into a conversation to make a point about what works in classrooms without any critical thought about whether it fits into the context being discussed. Herein lies the folly that you describe where it is easy to accept any thoughts that are published without question. Thank you for sharing this article.
Founder ,Remediation Plus Systems
7 年Howie,I think this is a wonderful and smart article.I have been shocked,my naivete exasperates me at what goes on. I have a gold standard study ,comparison group Fountas and Pinnell-finished in 2015,different pedagogy but equaled their reading comp results 8 weeks faster. There are 2 different kinds of kids,some have orthographic processing deficits others read well but don`t comprehend. Isn`t that what should be tested and the intervention highway has 2 exits? Remediation Plus study is on Slideshare. Now,I have Robert Slavin saying the program had no positive effect-a complete misrepresentation and WWC saying positive results from F& P.
School Improvement, School Discipline/Behavior Interventions (PBS/SEL), and MTSS Multi-Tiered Services Expert/Consultant
7 年Hi Patti, These are both consultation-oriented questions. Check out my website (www.projectachieve.net), or email me at: [email protected] and we can talk about it. Howie
Partner at N2 Learning
7 年Curious as to your thoughts about Child-Driven vs Data-Driven: https://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/7724