Hats in SEO
YTech Raj LLP
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Search Engine Optimization is the technique using which websites can increase their number of visitors by attaining a higher position in the Google search engine for relevant keywords. The ''hats'' in SEO actually refer to a few types of SEO. There are three hats of SEO, namely, white hat, black hat, and grey hat SEO.
Let's look at each of them in detail below:
White hat SEO
White hat SEO techniques refer to all the techniques that one can use to get a higher ranking that complies with Google's search engine guidelines. These techniques let your website get a good rank organically and create credibility around your website. However, one has to be patient when using these techniques because they often take more time to give the results that you desire. But one should also remember that white hat SEO techniques are also associated with low-risk. Your website will not get banned or drop ranks significantly when there is any change in the algorithm. For example, posting valuable and informative content after doing substantial keyword research is an example of white hat SEO.
Black hat SEO
Black hat SEO is diametrically opposite to white SEO techniques. These techniques do not abide by Google search engine guidelines. This exploits the loopholes or flaws in the algorithm to give a website a high rank. It resorts to ways such as spamming, keyword stuffing, cloaking (displaying different content to crawlers and humans), and other non-traditional methods. People who want good results in less time often use black hat SEO techniques. However, their success is often short-lived because these techniques always come with a high risk of blacklisting or banning.
Grey hat SEO
Grey hat SEO techniques lie somewhere between black and white hat SEO techniques. These techniques may not be strictly illegal, but they are surely not appreciated by Google's search engine guidelines. Grey hat SEO techniques may not be as risky and short-lived as black hat SEO techniques, but the risks are not completely eliminated. These techniques are often used by people who want to see quick results but do not want to take high risks. Common examples of grey hat SEO tactics that are used include using clickbait content, paid reviews, and shady link exchange between sites. It is always recommended not to practice such tactics because they are not authentic.
Why the name white hat and black hat?
As per Wikipedia, most movies made in the United States from 1920 to 1940 showed characters wearing hats based on their roles in the film. The protagonists usually wore white hats and symbolized good, while antagonists wore black hats to symbolize evil.
The same analogy is used to describe these SEO tactics, where white refers to the legal techniques while black refers to the bad techniques. However, as the tactics which were a combination of the two emerged which can neither be classified as white hat nor black hat, the term grey hat SEO was coined.