Great Topic, the "Hater" word is over used some say it's a motivator. Really? Motivation comes from within and you don't have to demean others or be condescending to others to elevate yourself in the name of FALSE CONFIDENCE. Also you don't... need so called Haters to be motivation to continue to snoot and step on people. Surely you are not responsible for others attitudes but very responsible for your own. The true essence of the question everyone should ask themselves is how to I treat the "Haters". Am I enthralled with the idea that when I do something great it will make others jealous? When I accomplish big things that others in my circle are not doing does that make me better than them and will they "Hate"? Am I really using the Gifts that GOD gave me to fulfill my purpose and destiny and stepping on others as I'm doing it? Am I hoping that I'm noticed by all those that saw me fail at something to prove I'm somebody and I too shall rise just to call them "Haters" now? Answer those questions honestly and if you answered yes to any of them you are creating "Haters" as your "Motivators". There's a purpose behind why we do what we do and if it's no LOVE behind it? Genuine LOVE FOR GOD and a true reflection of him on this earth then REPENT RIGHT NOW!

God is not in HEAVEN saying OMG they are going to HATE on me today because I made the SUN rise on a beautiful day. Or surely they will hate on you now because I raised you up and gave you a $30k raise so others are going to hate. Please, that's your faulty perception of yourself walking in the blessing and not testifying and sharing the news as GOD directed you too. Also thinking others are "Hating" is a form of FEAR that there will be higher expectations from you. More of a demand on your GIFT, more of a blessing to others when I'm not ready to SHARE.

There are some that don't understand what it takes to succeed; just explain nicely and help them especially if you're going to share it. Be Careful that when you share your blessing that your heart is right and confront/rebuke the enemy in his tracks. Uplift others by finding the good in what a person does or says. Don't always look for the negative or the nose turning up. If someone turns their nose up at me I find a way to kindly love on them.

We have to teach our children this so they can handle those that don't understand. The only reason for jealousy is a major misconception that they can't get what you have or they should have what you have or they should have done the right things to get there. Pick that person up, give them encouraging words, compliment them on the gift that lies dormant in them and it will help remove the jealous, unlearned, unknown, ignorance they walk in. I talk to people all day everyday that feel like they are a nobody or they can't do it like I did it or it's easy for you to say (kind of people). My words to them is it's easy for you too. You just have to push past it. Look at it in a positive sense and align yourself properly so GOD can move on your behalf. If they don't believe in GOD, because I don't stuff it down their throats. All of creation will work together to help you make it happen if you believe.

Now some people need an all out counseling session which you may not have time to provide. Use my words -- "Live out your own CONVICTIONS" and call that a day. But you have wisdom and know when to count the case/encounter as a Jesus send a laborer moment or Whew! Now that's over.

I love the "Haters" and I encourage the Haters to stir up the gifts inside of them, Push Past Easy and you will have the best of What God has for you is For You. Encourage Yourself in the Lord.

So I said all of that to say. Love the "Haters" and don't set your goal to have them MOTIVATE you but instead you MOTIVATE THEM.

