Hate Recording Yourself?
Esther Stanhope, The Impact Guru
TEDx speaker, award-winning author & personal Impact expert helping FTSE 100 execs get promoted, speak like a leader & win pitches with more presence & confidence! Parent, broadcaster & 80% Perfect Club founder
You’re going live in 3…2….1….action!
Do you take a massive gulp and start freaking out when you know the record button is about to go on?
I used to.
Yes, even though I have produced over 12,500 hours of live radio at the BBC over the years, I still get that feeling of “oh s**t …don’t **** up” as soon as the red light goes on.
When your ZOOM, Teams or Webex meetings are being recorded, do you also think?
“Oh no, pressure…..I’d better watch what I say” ?
Worst case scenario, you feel stifled and stop talking, because you suddenly second guess yourself and worry your footage will be OUT THERE for people to view (& judge) FOREVER!
Well, don’t worry you are not alone. Most of my clients freak out when they get the 3….2….1…countdown to record!
Quick story.
Recently I was recording a Podcast in London. My very talented and confident guest, Olivia was chatting and being very cheeky in the green room (the coffee area) next to the live studio before we went to record the episode.
As we walked from the coffee room to the studio we were laughing, joking, doing silly impressions, swearing and generally being a bit loud and boisterous. We were excited.
In other words, we are being ourselves, unfiltered and enjoying a bit of random banter.
But then something changed!
As we sat in the studio, got our headphones on and started getting our notes out, something happened.
That was the moment!
Suddenly things changed. Our banter stopped and we went quiet.
Piotr, the studio producer spoke to us in our headphones…
“ok let’s get some voice for sound levels”.
As you can imagine he asked us…
“What did you have for breakfast?”
Not only did that stop our conversation, but it was also a reminder that we were indeed in a RECORDING situation, and it totally stifled the fun, boisterous, cheeky, exciting atmosphere.
Then he continued to kill the atmosphere dead…
“Ok standby…quiet in the studio …”
Arrhh that moment is often the biggest personality killer ever. Luckily I know how to turn on the charm and carry on regardless.
Olivia called it out afterwards.
“It’s funny that as soon as the record button goes on, my personality turns off”.
Arhhh, that’s it I thought.
Olivia hit the nail on the head.
Red light anxiety is totally normal.
I remember at the BBC when we had a slightly nervous guest, I’d have to think on my feet to stop them from having red light anxiety.
They’d be sitting in the coffee area biting their nails, and I’d go and grab them (no we didn’t have an official green room!). Often they’d be totally terrified at the thought of walking into a live studio.
Can you relate to this?
- That feeling of self-doubt.
- Imposter syndrome (why would anyone want to listen to me?)
- Messing up
- Failing, or choking on a difficult question
- Waffling
- Boring the audience
- Watching it back and HATING yourself
- Please add to this list!
You’re thinking, arrh, professionals at the BBC know what they are doing and couldn’t possibly feel fear or IS – Imposter syndrome, surely not.
I’ll let you into a secret. They do!
99% of professional actors, presenters, politicians and journalists feel anxiety just before the red recording ON-AIR light goes on…
For Another quick story about - the Alastair Campbell wobble…head to my website to read the full blog here
#Publicspeaking #live #recording #confidence #impostersyndrome #zoomtips