Haskell with Visual Studio Code on Windows

Step 1: Install Haskell Complier and Build tool stack https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/ (There are many other popular build tool available like cabal)

Step 2: Complete stack tool installation/setup via PowerShell prompt

> stack ghci

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Step 3: Install Visual Studio Code

Step 4: Install Visual Studio Code extension: Haskell

Step 5: Create a new Haskell project on the Visual Studio Code Power shell terminal

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Create a new project named Project1 by typing following on Terminal

>stack new Project1

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wait for command to complete

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It creates a new folder Project1

Step 6: Open the folder from Visual Studio Code

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Navigate to the folder Project1 & open

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All these files are auto generated

The sub folder app and src are for keeping Haskell source code files

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Step 7: Execute following command on Visual Studio Code PowerShell Terminal to build the code

> stack build

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It might take some time

Step 8: To run this project type stack run on the Visual Studio Code PowerShell Terminal

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Jyotil Rai

Babson College Glavin Global Fellow | Junior Studying Finance & Entrepreneurship

1 年

Thanks for providing clear directions on setting up Haskell. It really helped out.


Very nice to use Code for Haskell on Fedora/Linix too…


