Hashtag Research: 3 Social Media Tactics to Try Today
Brittany Cupp
Program Director at SCAPE - SW Colorado Accelerator Program for Entrepreneurs
Hashtags #areapain sometimes. But taking the extra time to find hashtags that are relevant to your post can help increase exposure and engagement significantly. Try these simple-ish tactics and you’ll start connecting with the right people:
Head over to one of the hashtags you were planning on using. See the “Top Posts” section? These are the images that performed the best, so the posters usually know what they’re doing. See what hashtags they’re using. Maybe some of them correlate with what you’re talking about.
Are you connecting with or using any information from other blogs, brands or products? Head over to those brand accounts and see if they’ve created a branded hashtag. For example, Dorado Magazine’s hashtag is: #MyDorado. Why not use the hashtag the brand is asking people to use? Your content will end up with their hashtag network, which helps you reach some like-minded folks.
Yep. These people know what they’re doing and are constantly working on building their audiences, so why not check out what hashtags they’re using? #sorrynotsorry
Have your own tactics that aren't mentioned here? Please share!
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