Hashnode Bootcamp Day 01
Attended Hashnode Bootcamp Day 01. It was amazing, got to learn a lot from the experienced people in their niche. Today's Bootcamp was focused on the following points.
1. Welcome and Introduction to the Hashnode Bootcamp by Dani Passos.
2. Get started with GraphQL by Jamie Barton
3. Building connections in open source: unlocking opportunities by Rafael Hernandez.
4. Leverage Hashnode's AI Editor as a developer by Rajat Kapoor Kapoor.
5. To All Junior Devs Out There - Building Universes, Not Just Code by Sabrina Aquino.
1. Welcome and Introduction to the Hashnode Bootcamp by Dani Passos.
Introductin to bootcamp included about the hashnode community, which is empowering and helping the developers community with it's tools. And some of the introduction related to the next sessions of bootcamp.
2. Get started with GraphQL by Jamie Barton.
If I tell you honestly, I didn't know anything about GraphQl before this session. So in this session, I got to know that GraphQL is a query language for your API. It allows you to ask for exactly the data you need, and nothing more. This makes GraphQL APIs very efficient and felxible.
Imagine that you are a student and you need to write a report about the history of the United States. You could go to the library and check out a book on the history of the United States. But that would give you way more information than you need. You would have to read through the entire book to find the information you need, and you would also have to read through a lot of information that you don't need.
A better approach would be to use GraphQL. You could use GraphQL to query the library's database for the specific information you need. For example, you could query the database for the following information:
The dates of the American Revolution
The names of the presidents of the United States
The major events in the history of the United States
The library's database would then return only the information that you need. This would save you a lot of time and effort.
GraphQL APIs work in a similar way. They allow you to ask for exactly the data you need, and nothing more. This makes GraphQL APIs very efficient and flexible. And he also discussed about the benefits, operations, GraphQL vs REST. And at the end, I would only say that, It indeed was an amazing session.
3. Building connections in open source: unlocking opportunities by Rafael Hernandez.
Then the second session we had was all about the open source by one and only Rafael Hernandez. Where he discussed how we can make meaningful connections and unlock opportunities via open source. He explained it via a line that says "Pick up what they put down" which means, Build connections and unlock opportunities by engaging deeply with contributors and experts in your community. When contributors and experts post questions or projects, provide answers or feedback, and share your insights or summaries. Ensure it's something you are genuinely passionate about. Share your projects, actively ask questions. Always credit and engage with the contributors or experts. And give back to community. And this session too was honestly great.
4. Leverage Hashnode's AI Editor as a developer by Rajat Kapoor.
This session by Rajat was all about the Hashnode's AI Editor. Firstly the session began with what is hashnode. And Why AI, and the answer was they want to provide quality content faster with confidence, And to help readers find answer faster. And then he explained how they developed it using "Hackathon Driven Approach". And then he talked about, Hashnode neptune , which is a blog editor for the same platform. And then he explained about we can add code block using ask AI. And further explained about AI chatbot the AI assistant. And what are the features they are working on and are trying to work on like Image generation, AI based translation, the AI summary and explanation. And for all AI users he suggested some points Which were
1. Do not be a bot.
2. Use the tool as a "tool".
3. Be responsible and Authentic.
5. To All Junior Devs Out There - Building Universes, Not Just Code by Sabrina Aquino.
The most amazing session was held by Sabrina. Where she talked , that we should be aiming to become a very good developer instead of a developer. And how programmers are becoming worse. As they get entangled in tutorial hell. So firstly to become a very good developer to stand out from crowd, understand the abstraction layers you are using. And secondly she told that the industry is more sophisticated than it was once. So compete for the current market. And then after she explained the different sophistication layer. Which you can see in the diagram