Has Your Value Proposition Changed?
Businesses might have slowed down, but it never really stopped. People still need to buy things, but the question is: are they buying what you are selling? The value of your product may have changed with the pandemic, which will require you to reevaluate how to position the product to your customers.
A Change in Value
The biggest challenge to selling during a crisis is not only understanding the value you have to offer but what is the value that your customer perceives. Your understanding of that value will shape how you sell going forward, hopefully developing your customer’s perspectives as well. The reality is that your product will have a different value during a crisis. The value isn’t necessarily any less than it was before; it just matters more to some customers than others. Understanding how the value of your products has changed could open your company to an entirely new group of customers that might not have considered your product before. Tapping into that well of new prospects is the most significant opportunity that COVID-19 could have given your company. You just need to take the time to understand what you have to offer to your customers.
What Do Your Customers Need?
While it’s essential to re-position the value of what you have to offer for your customers, it’s also important to understand precisely what they might need and expect from you. Take the time to reach out to customers who purchased your products six months ago and ask how they are using these products now. The requirement of your products has changed, and you need to change the way you are selling these items to meet that requirement. Understanding that requirement is the key that will unlock how you sell going forward.