Has somebody else’s talent caused you to give up?

Has somebody else’s talent caused you to give up?

If you are anything like me, you look around at the people you know and you admire them for their capabilities, their aptitudes, their differences and their likeness. And on the whole, you feel joy for them, and for yourself.?

If you are anything like me, occasionally you meet a person who strikes you as being so uber-talented, so confident in their skills, so at ease with how they achieve the very thing you desire, that they stop you in your tracks and, even though they themselves probably don’t know they do this to you, they damn your hopes and aspirations, make you feel foolish for even hoping to be a tenth of what they manage to achieve.

My friend, if you have ever felt like this, then please know you have only proven yourself to be beautifully and wonderfully human! It is so common to hear people describe the death of their dreams in terms of them having seen somebody else who has already achieved them, convincing themselves that they could never be like that person. The internal dialogue goes something like, “they’re so much stronger, braver than me.” Or, ‘They’ve had it luckier than me, I can’t compete.”

But let me counter your convictions with one of my own – that these behemoths of talent that you’re so often citing as reasons for not pursuing your own joy have also, at some point, felt inferior in comparison to another human being. That each and everyone of the success-stories you compare yourself with, has been on a similar journey to the one you’re on. They have, each and everyone of them, had to confront their fears that they might not measure up, that they might never be as good as… And yet, they stayed. They continued.

Here’s another belief I have – that life is not about being better than somebody else, it is about being better than yourself. With each day we get an opportunity to work on improving and refining ourselves. We get to work on becoming more wholehearted and wholly ourselves. The world is not waiting for the ‘next’ person to look like the one who went before. The world is waiting for you to be wholly and utterly yourself.

Success will happen, in whatever form or meaning intended for you, only once you manage to inhabit this fundamental understanding. That it is your perspective, your words, your actions that matter. Turning yourself into a copy of somebody else, trying to emulate them, even trying to get them to do the work that you yourself are meant to do, will always end in blockage.?

So, ask yourself these important questions??

  • What is it about that super-talented person that elicits the feelings of “I could never…”? Ask yourself, is there any actual evidence for these beliefs?
  • Instead of running away from the envy, the awe – what if you acknowledged it and were truthful to yourself about how much this desire to ‘be’ like them meant to you?
  • What if you committed to start from where you are and double-down on your work effort to build skills and do what is necessary to construct the reality of your dreams, using your envy, or admiration, of these others, to remind you of the undoubted work and effort they put in.?

The choice of what you achieve lies with you.

If you’d like to achieve greater success in your life then it is time to take action. It all starts with the first step.?

You absolutely deserve to succeed!

Gina xx

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