President Higgins once solemnly promised the Irish people that he had no intention of drawing vast unaudited expenses and numerous pensions, by squatting for more than seven years in the Vice-Regal Lodge. The garrulous Statesman has now greatly exceeded his allotted Biblical Period. Nobody begrudges this man of few words his comfortable retirement but his behaviour since his second coming has given rise to grave and serious concerns about his judgement and mental stability. Observers in the Press and Social Media are speculating that the Grand Old Man of Galway Politics may have fallen prey to the ugly and strictly masculine charms of sneaky Leo, Salamander Prince, Blue Shirt Premier and Parliamentary Liar in Chief. Commentators have compared the affection and visible parity of esteem in which the President holds the dashing young Lizard to the affection which Field Marshall Hindenburg, the Kaiser’s Commander-in-Chief and Germany’s President, extended to the young Adolf Hitler, the virile black moustached leader of Germany’s National Socialists! Many reputable Historians would not be carried away in this fashion. Premier Leo's upper lip is cleanly shaven and the Salamander Prince cannot yet rival Hitler's anti-Semitic reputation or in his burning down of the Reichstag. But, arson apart, the evidence is damning! Sneaky Leo meets the President once a week without fail. He has changed the Head of State from distinguished human rights expert to committed Abortionist. In the blue carpeted splendour of his Palace, President Higgins, who professes himself “the Equal of the Queen of England”, has signed into law with a single stroke of his Gold Pen the most bloody, murderous and draconian abortion legislation not just in Europe, but in the World. Satan and Beelzebub may soon bestow on Higgins the style and title of Murderous Angel! The Commander-in-Chief should think very carefully about what he has done and what he is doing. This week, Sneaky Premier Leo was forced to issue the most dishonest apology to Parliament on account of his criminal negligence as Minister for Health, leading to the deaths of a very great number of Irish virgins, maidens, mothers and matrons from cervical cancer. In addition, Sneaky Leo will soon be arrested and brought before the International Criminal Court and charged with genocide on account of the number of unborn children he has aborted and the countless number of abortions he has procured. The Wheels of Justice may turn much more quickly for Higgins. As Commander-in-Chief, Higgins is subject to Military Law. Murdering babies, whether born or unborn, in their mothers’ womb, even at the instigation of Premier Leo, with his perfect Nazi credentials, is a treasonable offence under the Constitution and Laws of Ireland. Treason and Murder will earn those responsible for voting and signing the Law long imprisonment. Their heinous mortal sins will lead God to damn them to the Fires of Hell for All Eternity in the company of Lucifer, Satan and their Murderous Angels!
Maurice James, Barrister at Law, 23rd October 2019