Has NIST assessed Mobbeel?

Has NIST assessed Mobbeel?

Fair and rigorous assessments by NIST have become essential for biometric solution providers. NIST certification provides a competitive advantage in the market, and the results of the challenges attest to the excellence of the technology.

Furthermore, the assessment provides an objective validation of the performance of biometric systems and a comparison with other competitors that can help identify improvements.

Type of NIST assessment

Mobbeel’s facial recognition algorithms are frequently submitted to the FRVT.

To carry out these biometric algorithm evaluation processes, the NIST allows algorithms to be submitted periodically, but always with a four-month transition period between submissions.

Our facial recognition technology, MobbID, has undergone evaluation by the NIST for both processes:

  • FRTE 1:1 – verification (1:1)
  • FRTE 1:N – identification (1:N).

The tests and analyses validate the effectiveness and security of our technology.

Verification FRVT 1:1 Mobbeel

In the latest submission and evaluation of Mobbeel in October 2024, our algorithms achieved the following results in the VISABORDER configuration. This configuration evaluates our solution for digital onboarding processes, where the identity document photo is compared with other types of photos, such as those taken as a selfie:

  • FNMR = 0.0045 (*)
  • FMR = 0.00001

(*) False Negative Match Rate (FNMR) of 0.0045 at the designated operating point, corresponding to a False Match Rate (FMR) of 0.00001.

How can these results be interpreted? These results mean that if we configured the technology to a security level allowing only one false positive in every 1,000,000 attempts—that is, only once in 1,000,000 attempts would an illegitimate user bypass the system—then 45 legitimate users out of every 10,000 attempts would be rejected and would need to repeat the process.

This result represents a significant improvement compared to the previous submission, as shown in the following table:

Furthermore, it places us ahead of other major providers, both nationally and internationally.

Identification FRVT 1:N Mobbeel

Regarding identification processes (1:N), our technology has also been evaluated by the NIST. This achievement marks a significant milestone, as our technology had already been successfully assessed in the 1:1 verification field by the NIST previously.

The 1:N evaluation demonstrates our capability to accurately identify individuals within a broader data set, reinforcing our position as?leaders in the field of biometric identification.

This recognition not only supports the reliability and precision of our technology, but also underscores our commitment to innovation and excellence in digital security.

With these evaluations, Mobbeel firmly establishes itself as a benchmark in secure and cutting-edge digital identification solutions.

Ready for more? Dive into everything about NIST on Mobbeel's blog>.



