There has NEVER been a better time to be a health coach!

There has NEVER been a better time to be a health coach!

Health coaching goes by many labels: Health Coaching, Health and Wellness Coaching, Health and Wellbeing Coaching, Wellness Coaching, Wellbeing Coaching. It's confusing!

The discipline of health coaching is a powerful, skilled modality that can and does transform peoples’ health and their lives.

“Health and wellness coaching is a non-judgmental, client-led active process which equips, enables and empowers an individual to respond and adapt positively to challenges in their internal and external environment to create and maintain a state of resilience through the pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that support that individual’s optimal whole health.”?(UKHCA 2020)?

On 23 November, UKIHCA published a White Paper ‘Towards A Healthier, Happier Britain: The Case for Health Coaching’ - a cross-sector review of the impact of Britain’s poor and declining health on every part of our society: health, employment, physical activity, education, advocacy and community groups.

The report presents the role and impact of the strongly evidence-based, non-clinical modality of health coaching and sets out how, and recommendations for, the integration of health coaches and health coaching every sector in society with a vested interest in improving individuals’ and our population health.


In support of the White Paper and to promote the powerful discipline of health coaching, UKIHCA Directors Izabella Natrins (CEO), Faye Hall (Director of Professional Standards & Membership Development) and Innes Kerr (Director of Business Operations, Membership Growth & Experience) recently hosted a webinar to explain why the discipline of professional health coaching is EXPLODING into the health space, and why there has never been a better time to be a health coach!

They unpack the WHAT, the WHY, the HOW and the WHERE of this powerful and skilled discipline that is transforming lives, transforming health professionals' practice and health care systems and set out how YOU, no matter which sector you work within, can become part of the solution to the crisis in health.

Who should watch?

Everyone who is serious about making a difference to public health and thriving in an increasingly crowded market.

We welcome aspiring health coaches, student health coaches, current health coaches, international health and wellness coaches, NHS health and wellbeing coaches who are not yet UKIHCA members, medical, clinical and allied/adjunct health professionals interested in health coaching and applying for UKIHCA Affiliate membership and/or Portfolio Route to Full Membership.

Join the expert panel to:

  • Unpack what health coaching IS… and what it's?NOT

  • Discover more about the emerging and exciting profession of health coaching, why it's central to creating a paradigm shift for health creating that we are experiencing right here, right now and where health coaching is going as a profession

  • Understand what to look for when selecting a world-class health coaching education and training course

  • If you're not yet a health coach, discover why you can join UKIHCA through our Portfolio Routes or as an Affiliate Member


UK & International Health Coaching Association's mission is to advance the profession of Health Coaching in support of every individual's health, wellness and wellbeing. Our vision is to see a professional health coach in every healthcare practice within the private and public sector, in schools and colleges, in businesses and in communities.

#health #wellbeing #healthcoaching #lifestylemedicine #change #findyourhealthy


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