Has Democracy Failed us? Is there a Confederacy on the rise? Can we Adjust the Current Government thru a Republic & Survive as a U.S. Power Economy
Alan Tyler Dixon I Bordeaux
Founder at ASEAN Economic Community Business Integration Consultants
Has Democracy Failed us??Is there a Confederacy on the rise? Can we Adjust the Current Gov to Survive as an U.S. Economy.
The Story of how Crime Government Corruption ravaged the USA with Human Trafficking & State Bonds-Currency
Thus can America be Adjusted with A Political Reformation & The Restructuring of a New Government Political Apparatus System.
This is a general petition for the public to sign for referendum to set a new law for public policy agenda to restructure the USA, due to widespread COVID & Violence in the USA that adds up to Insurrection in the USA. The petition is as subsequently applied for the abolition of the Tribal Territories i.e. Counties. This is in favor of a new modern more secure & more safe Federal Political System in the USA & any where else that wants to adopt the new political ideological system. i.e. Political Ideology
We as states must enable Local Police to Expand city limits & place an end to the County Balkan system in the US.
As a fact The US is divided into thousands upon thousands of counties which are lower subdivisions of government, that behave more like?separatists & confederate supporters, than a United States. This system of county to county government makes the nation state very dangerous & unsafe & unfriendly to the public. & Makes it very difficult to fight crime, as an example if a criminal changes counties its hard for local police or authorities to track these criminals. & essentially from a financial perspective These divided subdivisions impose & levy a second tax the public, hence the public is getting taxed?twice & sometimes three times with local cities imposing taxes, this hurts economic development & deprives Americans the right of a uniform currency model system & an equal opportunity of equal economic base standard rights of commerce which is intended to be a federated city league of the Fifty U.S. States with income taxes & financial transactions taxes, & in no-way a local property tax system for this is a three tier type tax system as the contiguous Federal Fifty States both federally & at the county level & also at the state level in some circumstances & legal judiciary cases. This is of the fifty contiguous U.S. States & the fifty U.S. STATE CAPITOLS with the District of Columbia.
The Tax system within the local gov & local balkan government is all structured under the State to State system within the 50 contiguous states as a multitude of thousands of Counties.
The first key is that the States have Counties, however the counties are highly engaged in human trafficking & corruption.
The second key, is they hold people in horrific deplorable conditions & is against the Three Principles of Human Rights & Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Human Standards.
The third key is that the sheriff twist laws (when knowing what they are doing are intentionally using the law to hurting others who are innocent & or to hold political prisoners. There are federal laws against what the local U.S. balkan county government system does which is?i.e. using law maliciously for financial & material gain which is a corruption offense, {THIS LAW IS CALL ABUSE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW under Title 18 & 22 — https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/22/7102}
Thus as the only solution is that we establish a stronger NHS PHS police & public health service presence in the nation state with less money spent of sheriff agencies— for the end result of what we aspire to obtain as a culture & society, which is less crime. We can accomplish this via way of removing the reason why people hate Blue Lives Matter; which is that the Sheriff be replaced with a a new Solicitor & Magistrate System of which of whom is & are respectively, different & divergent, from the current Magistrate system of which & of whom currently works with the sheriff to decide the bail system; this Sheriff & Magistrate systems that of which holds lots of persons that are criminals in unhealthy sickly conditions.
This is a for notice, & Petition to remove County Balaks System in the USA & in the process the sheriff & bail system should be removed. However the problem is that there are just too many criminals; so we have to call up the national guard & build proper detention centers & transfer the innocent sheriffs & innocent local county gov workers into new gov positions & new police roles, irrespectively.
Officially, under a new coordinated political apparatus system, bails, would be canceled & that is for criminals— that of whom?are legal citizenry & commit a crime, however for illegal migrant workers, we will deport them & or help them file proper work to become citizens if they qualify to enter the nation state, especially Asylum Seekers.?
Forth with this is all during & enlighten of COVID hygiene & section 8 grades & standards for urban & human housing development that are failing all across the Americas. Which could be why so many criminals are among Our Populace Apparatus. & therefore gives reason & rise to a new political order of A POLITICAL APPARATUS SYSTEMS SERVICES. Like a NSA director of National Police
Tho the key is that the NGB will have to be activated in this process for domestic security purposes & or transferred into Homeland Security as reservists & resource service soldiers, utilized as?police soldiers for fighting crime within the contiguous fifty states & U.S. Territories & Where ever the USA has a U.S. Populace & or Military Presence. Tho to note ini this notice & petition, we shall in no way hold criminals in the conditions that the local county balkan system that used to hold criminals, because it is unethical & unhumanitarian to do so. + FYI, the Sheriff & Local Govs steal & commit acts of theft within the scopes of multimillions & billions. As an example a private firm buys local State Treasury notes & currency backed by International Forex Reserves, that is if a confederate favored business of operations were to hypothetically which they do, use foreign cash to buy local county state/confederate bonds to favor confederate discriminatory business as a form of a confederate exchange market. Orchestrated via Confederate supporters & anti-federalist, a symphony of local confederacy currency issued to businesses of which that is circulating & floating as a Treasury Bond used among the U.S. Balakan counties of who volunteered * signed up to use & trade the state bonds between confederates & confederate businesses for the benefit of their confederate party in many of the fifty U.S. States— is a treasonable offense,— due to precedent set by the Citizens United case with the ruling being people are corporations in the USA, due to the fact that U.S. Citizens work for & at corporations; thus confederate businesses & owners of local state treasury bonds can be charged with treason & espionage as American Traitors.
Therefore, if we utilize the Balance of Power of Ethical Politics; & remove Certain agencies from a healthy perspective that enables a stronger side of federal government, which carries a potential surplus budget on the horizon,?tho only if We abolish & remove the Confederate U.S. balkan county system.?
Therefore,?whence everything settles, We can develop a more robust Conglomerated United States Federal government with Ten Region Super States, as the defined means of resource & governance delivery for & to the populace of the U.S.A. via recalibrating where we spend our Law Enforcement Resource Cash & How we write district lines & political subdivisions. This is in favor of a more ethical prudent Treasury Bond System Which guarantees that only The federal government treasury department can issue municipalities & the types of Government Bonds for the benefit of the Tax-Payer & how we use Tax-Payer monies as a government from the Federal Perspective, which is the only perspective, hence Federal Law always supersedes Federal Law, Ranks above & over local & state County Balkan System LAW. This is for the cash resource benefit of how the U.S. Gov handles & operates the monetary based?budget, where we apply our assets where they are best utilized & where the highest of demands are within the U.S. OMB budget process.
We must decommission Certain Agents & Officers & Officials at local county balkan agency level in favor of an interstate commerce system & a Ten State Region System of Ten Super State Regions, due to widespread rampant Corruption because of local County corruption; however we can naturally furrow under federal legislation specified innocent employees of local counties & replace the County System with Sub Regional Super State System as 535 Sub-Divisional Regions of the Federal Government under the Ten Super State Regional Administrators & Operations Officers, each of whom work for the benefit of the Ten Regional Super States that contain the fifty U.S. States, of which contain various quantities of States per Regional Super State Region, like the South East U.S. Region IV State that has seven states. Therefore for those who are among the Sheriff & County Govs who are innocent can change career paths either within the government interagency system & or retire or take a private sector business position.?
Ten Federated Regional Super States Operate Emergency Preparedness with the Fifty State Governors under the NGA who serve as Delegates & as a Team of Representatives to the Ten Regional Super States Administrators & Operations Officers within each of their Ten Regional Super States with Congressmen & Womens districts as the Sub-Divisions of each Regional Super State; however supervised by Governors of each of the states within each of the Ten Regional Super State
Fore in the steadship of the federal government which is French & British education system, The Federal Gov can utilize their National Police Presence vie NHS PHS with the Power of a Solicitor System with Solicitors in every Sub-Region of a Super State like if their are 9 Congressional Districts there would be 9 Solicitors instead of a series of Local County Commissioner & or Clerk & Master offices, via way of a Solicitor System with courts remaining tho identified as the Magistrate rather with an International Trade Court Solicitor as a Top independent Solicitor with the Supreme Solicitor being the Top of all Honorable & Independent Judiciaries within the judiciary being Magistrates & of a Judiciary that comprises of three or more judges / magistrates of whom would be of being the court ordered Jurists & or arbitrator under case law precedent system tho without tribal jurisdiction but on a Sub-Regional area to area zone. within each state of the fifty contiguous States.?However for those at the sheriff & county level corruption takes place more often than than you would think in some places; which is why its considered human rights abuses at the hands of Certain Law Enforcement & Officials at the local levels of government. i.e. Corruption?& Extortion Offenses Paying Off Public Defenders & Lawyers who are officers of the state to throw &?Intentionally lose cases.?
Therefore the result is anyone who knew of human trafficking & corruption offenses within the local tribal governments i.e local law enforcement that are under the direction of the sheriff local county gov, are in the second degree guilty of corruption & human trafficking, & obstruction of the Judiciary & litigation Procedures. i.e. Public Defenders & Prosecutors & Court Reporters charging Money for Court Officer Duties which is what causes the breakdown of the Judiciary. This can be applied within the four degrees of law i.e The third degree & fourth & fifth degree due to being knowledgeable or aware of the where about of persons & or relevant information of any past human trafficking offenses via virtue of Failing to report the appropriate information to the proper Chain of Command.
~ATMD ~ATDI ~Pathoscrescendo Feb. 1st 2022