It has been ten years
Ten years with CancerCare Manitoba Foundation and ten with our amazing event supporting all cancers– Challenge for Life 2.0
I have walked, swam and worked out for many, many miles and hours... and because of great support and encouragement have raised thousands of dollars for CancerCare Manitoba.
This year I am dedicating this Challenge especially to my sister and two very dear friends who, as we speak, are in the care of this GREAT organization that we are privileged to support.
I would love to make 2017 the best year ever for our province and our patients, and with your support I know we CAN achieve this.
I am inviting YOU to take the Challenge with me at Challenge for Life 2.0!
You can take the Challenge by becoming a participant and put foot-to-pavement on behalf of friends and family. You can also take the Challenge by supporting me through a donation on my personal fundraising page.
Your support means the world to me, and more importantly it means the world to a lot of patients and their families - in whose honour we do this.
Thank you for being an important part of the solution.
With a grateful heart,